- sterling area
- стерлинговая зона
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
sterling area — n. an association of countries that peg the value of their currencies to that of the British pound sterling, as esp. between 1931 and 1972: also sterling bloc * * * ▪ international economics formerly, a group of countries that kept most of… … Universalium
sterling area — n. an association of countries that peg the value of their currencies to that of the British pound sterling, as esp. between 1931 and 1972: also sterling bloc … English World dictionary
Sterling Area — The sterling area came into existence at the outbreak of the second world war. It was a wartime emergency measure which involved cooperation in exchange control matters between a group of countries, mostly dominions and colonies of the former… … Wikipedia
sterling area — / stɜ:lɪŋ ˌeəriə/ noun formerly, an area of the world where the pound sterling was the main trading currency … Dictionary of banking and finance
sterling area — /ˈstɜlɪŋ ɛəriə/ (say sterling airreeuh) noun an association of countries which hold their currency reserves in London and use sterling in international trade. Also, scheduled territories …
sterling area — noun the group of countries whose currencies are tied to the British pound sterling • Syn: ↑sterling bloc, ↑scheduled territories • Hypernyms: ↑bloc, ↑axis … Useful english dictionary
sterling area — noun Date: 1932 a former group of countries with currencies tied to the British pound sterling … New Collegiate Dictionary
sterling — [ stɛrliŋ ] adj. inv. • 1656; a. fr. esterlin, sterlin; mot angl., du germ. °sterron « étoile » ♦ Livre sterling. ⇒ 2. livre (3o). ● sterling nom masculin (anglais sterling, du latin médiéval sterlingus) En Angleterre, au commencement du règne d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sterling Micropolitan Statistical Area — The Sterling Micropolitan Statistical Area is a United States Census Bureau defined Micropolitan Statistical Area located in the Sterling area of the State of Colorado. The Sterling Micropolitan Statistical Area is defined as Logan County,… … Wikipedia
sterling bloc — noun the group of countries whose currencies are tied to the British pound sterling • Syn: ↑sterling area, ↑scheduled territories • Hypernyms: ↑bloc, ↑axis * * * noun see sterling area * * * those countries having currenci … Useful english dictionary
sterling — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or in British money (pound sterling). 2 (of a coin or precious metal) genuine; of standard value or purity. 3 (of a person or qualities etc.) of solid worth; genuine, reliable (sterling work). n. British money (paid in… … Useful english dictionary