base time

base time
норма времени

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "base time" в других словарях:

  • base time — noun Etymology: base (III) : the time calculated as the normal time required by a qualified individual working at normal pace for completion of a given work cycle with no allowance for delay or fatigue and personal needs …   Useful english dictionary

  • Time's Up! — jeu de société la première édition française de Time s Up! {{{licence}}} Auteur Peter Sarrett Éditeur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Time zone — Timezone and TimeZone redirect here. For other uses, see Time zone (disambiguation). Local time redirects here. For the mathematical concept, see Local time (mathematics). This article is about time zones in general. For a list of time zones by… …   Wikipedia

  • BASE jumping — is involving the use of a parachute or the sequenced use of a wingsuit and parachute to jump from fixed objects with the parachute unopened at the jump (else see paragliding). BASE is an acronym that stands for the four categories of fixed… …   Wikipedia

  • base rate — Also known as the repo rate. The rate set by the Bank of England which determines how much other banks and building societies pay for loans they take out from the Bank of England. The base rate in turn affects the minimum rate at which banks are… …   Law dictionary

  • Time of arrival — (ToA), also named Time of Flight (ToF), which both means the travel time of a radio signal from a single transmitter to a remote single receiver. By the relation between light speed in vacuum and the carrier frequency of a signal the time is a… …   Wikipedia

  • base — n Base, basis, foundation, ground, groundwork are comparable when meaning something on which another thing is reared or built or by which it is supported or fixed in place. Base may be applied to the lowest part or bottom of something without… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Base Class Library — Base Class Library, сокращённо BCL  стандартная библиотека классов платформы «.NET Framework». Программы, написанные на любом из языков, поддерживающих платформу .NET, могут пользоваться классами и методами BCL  создавать объекты… …   Википедия

  • Time Warp Festival — Time Warp 2006 Time Warp ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes Festival mit dem Schwerpunkt Elektronische Musik aus Mannheim. Erstmals fand die Techno Veranstaltung 1994 unter dem Namen Time Warp in der Ludwigshafener Walzmühle statt und versteht… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Time Warner Center North Tower — Time Warner Center Pour les articles homonymes, voir Warner. Le Time Warner Center vu depuis la 59e rue …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Time Warner Center South Tower — Time Warner Center Pour les articles homonymes, voir Warner. Le Time Warner Center vu depuis la 59e rue …   Wikipédia en Français

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