
спиртные напитки

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "spirits" в других словарях:

  • Spirits — Données clés Titre original Shutter Réalisation Masayuki Ochiai Scénario Luke Dawson Acteurs principaux Joshua Jackson Rachael Taylor Megumi Okina Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Spirits — Desarrolladora(s) Topo Soft Distribuidora(s) Erbe Software Plataforma(s) Sinclair ZX Spectrum, MSX, Amstrad CPC …   Wikipedia Español

  • Spirits — (торговая марка) (англ. Алкогольные напитки ) Торговая марка зарегистрированная в 2008 году на Украине. Под данным брендом разливается элитная и эксклюзивная сувенирная настойка (фруктовая водка) Spirits Pear (Спиритс Груша). Ее отличительная… …   Википедия

  • spirits — index alcohol Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • spirits — n. mood 1) to lift, raise smb. s spirits 2) to dampen smb. s spirits 3) good, high spirits 4) spirits droop, flag; rise 5) in spirits (in high spirits) alcohol 6) to drink spirits * * * flag high spirits raise smb. s spirits …   Combinatory dictionary

  • spirits —    1. a man s semen    In obsolete use, the essence of maleness, whence the symbol of courage:     Much use of Venus doth dim the light... The cause of dimness is the expense of spirits. (Bacon, 1627)    The modern spunk has the same duality of… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • spirits — /ˈspɪrəts/ (say spiruhts) plural noun 1. feelings; mood. 2. strong alcoholic liquor: to drink wine or spirits. –phrase 3. in high spirits, in an exalted state of mind. 4. in low spirits, in a depressed state of mind …  

  • Spirits —    A term that commonly appears in ethnographic and religious discourse but remains of uncertain and/or misleading reference. Not only does it translate a wide range of terms for entirely different and distinct types of other than human persons,… …   Historical dictionary of shamanism

  • spirits — Synonyms and related words: Angostura bitters, Canadian, Canadian whiskey, Cognac, Grand Champagne, Irish, Irish whiskey, John Barleycorn, Kirsch, Scotch, Scotch whiskey, absinthe, alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, animal spirits,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • SPIRITS —    disembodied entities which display the characteristics of INDIVIDUAL PERSONS that are sometimes regarded as the SOULS of dead ancestors. In most RELIGIONS, spirits are regarded as potentially dangerous and often as downright EVIL …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • spirits — n. pl. 1. Disposition, temper, mood, humor, spirit, frame of mind, turn of mind. 2. Distilled liquors, ardent spirits …   New dictionary of synonyms

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