- sophisticated
- səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪdлишенный простоты, изощренный, искушенный в жизненных делах, умудренный опытом, сложный, замысловатый, фальсифицированный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
sophisticated — sophisticated, worldly wise, worldly, blasé, disillusioned are synonymous when they apply to persons, to their attitudes and actions, or to products of human skill and effort and mean experienced or revealing experience in the ways of the world.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
sophisticated — [sə fis′təkāt΄id] adj. 1. not simple, artless, naive, etc.; urbane, worldly wise, etc. or knowledgeable, perceptive, subtle, etc. 2. designed for or appealing to sophisticated people 3. highly complex, refined, or developed; characterized by… … English World dictionary
sophisticated — [adj1] cosmopolitan, cultured adult, artificial, been around, blasé, bored, citified, cool*, couth, cultivated, cynical, disenchanted, disillusioned, experienced, in, in the know*, into*, jaded, jet set*, knowing, laidback*, mature, mondaine, on… … New thesaurus
sophisticated — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a machine, system, or technique) highly developed and complex. 2) having or showing worldly experience and taste in matters of culture or fashion. 3) appealing to sophisticated people. DERIVATIVES sophisticatedly adverb … English terms dictionary
sophisticated — I adjective advanced, avant garde, complex, contemporary, forward looking, innovative, knowledgeable, modern, new, progressive, ultramodern, up to date, up to the minute, urbane II index elegant, practiced, subtle ( … Law dictionary
sophisticated — pp. adj. from SOPHISTICATION (Cf. sophistication); c.1600, mixed with a foreign substance, impure; no longer simple or natural. Of persons, with a positive sense, worldly wide, discriminating, from 1895 … Etymology dictionary
sophisticated — 01. The better your English language skills, the more you are able to talk about [sophisticated] topics. 02. His reading tastes are not very [sophisticated]. Basically, he reads comic books and sports magazines. 03. His use of language is not… … Grammatical examples in English
sophisticated — [[t]səfɪ̱stɪkeɪtɪd[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED A sophisticated machine, device, or method is more advanced or complex than others. Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect. ...a large and sophisticated new… … English dictionary
sophisticated — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin sophisticatus Date: 1601 1. deprived of native or original simplicity: as a. highly complicated or developed ; complex < sophisticated electronic devices > b. having a refined knowledge of the ways of the world … New Collegiate Dictionary
sophisticated — so|phis|ti|cat|ed W3 [səˈfıstıkeıtıd] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Medieval Latin; Origin: , past participle of sophisticare to deceive with words, hide the true nature of something , from Latin sophisticus, from Greek, from sophistes; SOPHISTRY] 1.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
sophisticated — sophisticatedly, adv. /seuh fis ti kay tid/, adj. 1. (of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly wise; not naive: a sophisticated young socialite; the sophisticated eye of a journalist.… … Universalium