- solemn
- ˈsɔləmторжественный, внушительный, волнующий, официальный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Solemn — Sol emn, a. [OE. solempne, OF. solempne, L. solemnis, solennis, sollemnis, sollennis; sollus all, entire + annus a year; properly, that takes place every year; used especially of religious solemnities. Cf. {Silly}, {Annual}.] 1. Marked with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
solemn — SOLÉMN, Ă, solemni, e, adj. (Adesea adverbial) 1. Care are loc după un anumit ceremonial; cu fast, sărbătoresc. 2. Important; grav, serios. ♦ Desăvârşit; intens, profund. ♦ Sfânt, sacru. ♦ Măreţ, grandios, maiestuos. 3. (Despre acte juridice)… … Dicționar Român
solemn — sol‧emn [ˈsɒləm ǁ ˈsɑː ] adjective 1. solemn and binding LAW an agreement that is solemn and binding is recognized in law: • Only on the basis of a solemn and binding undertaking did they allow the purchase to proceed. 2. solemn… … Financial and business terms
solemn — [säl′əm] adj. [ME solemne < OFr < L sollemnis, sollennis, yearly, annual, hence religious, solemn (from assoc. with annual religious festivals) < sollus, all, entire < Oscan, akin to L salvus (see SAFE) + ? annus, year] 1. a) observed … English World dictionary
solemn — I adjective august, awe inspiring, awesome, ceremonial, ceremonious, devotional, devout, earnest, formal, funereal, gloomy, grave, gravis, grim, hallowed, holy, imposing, impressive, majestic, meditative, mirthless, mournful, pensive, quiet,… … Law dictionary
solemn — [adj1] quiet, serious austere, brooding, cold sober*, deliberate, dignified, downbeat, earnest, funereal, glum, grave, heavy, intense, matter of life and death*, moody, no fooling*, no nonsense*, pensive, portentous, reflective, sedate, sober,… … New thesaurus
solemn — англ. [со/лэм] solemnis лат. [соле/мнис] solenne ит. [соле/ннэ] торжественный … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
solemn — late 13c., from O.Fr. solempne (Fr. solennel), from L. sollemnis formal, ceremonial, traditional, perhaps related to sollus whole (see SAFE (Cf. safe) (adj.) … Etymology dictionary
solemn — 1 *ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, conventional Analogous words: liturgical, ritualistic (see corresponding nouns at FORM): *full, complete, plenary: imposing, august, majestic, magnificent (see GRAND) 2 *serious, grave, somber, sedate, earnest … New Dictionary of Synonyms
solemn — ► ADJECTIVE 1) formal and dignified. 2) not cheerful; serious. 3) deeply sincere. DERIVATIVES solemnly adverb. ORIGIN originally in the sense «associated with religious rites»: from Latin sollemnis customary, celebrated at a fixed date … English terms dictionary
solemn — 01. Her grandfather is a very [solemn] man who almost never smiles. 02. The Veterans Day ceremonies were a very [solemn] occasion. 03. The guests watched [solemnly] as the funeral procession began. 04. Brock made a [solemn] promise to his… … Grammatical examples in English