- bargain sale
- дешевая распродажа
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
bargain sale — / bɑ:gɪn seɪl/ noun the sale of all goods in a store at cheap prices … Dictionary of banking and finance
bargain sale or purchase — A sale of property for less than the fair market value of such property. The difference between the sale or purchase price and the fair market value of the property is required to be accounted for in terms of its tax consequences. Bargain sales… … Black's law dictionary
bargain sale or purchase — A sale of property for less than the fair market value of such property. The difference between the sale or purchase price and the fair market value of the property is required to be accounted for in terms of its tax consequences. Bargain sales… … Black's law dictionary
Bargain Sale To A Charitable Organization — The sale of a good or service to a charitable organization for less than the fair market value of the good or service received. Bargain sales are often used by donors who wish to make a charitable donation to an organization in a form other than… … Investment dictionary
sale — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Transfer for money Nouns 1. sale, selling, disposal, merchandising, deaccession; telemarketing; auction, vendue, market, custom, barter; business; salesmanship; vendibility, vendibleness, salability;… … English dictionary for students
sale — A contract between two parties, called, respectively, the seller (or vendor) and the buyer (or purchaser), by which the former, in consideration of the payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money, transfers to the latter the title… … Black's law dictionary
bargain — bar·gain 1 n often attrib [Old French bargaigne negotiation, haggling, from bargaignier to haggle] 1: an agreement between parties that settles what each gives or receives (as a promise or performance) in a transaction between them compare… … Law dictionary
Bargain and sale — Bargain Bar gain, n. [OE. bargayn, bargany, OF. bargaigne, bargagne, prob. from a supposed LL. barcaneum, fr. barca a boat which carries merchandise to the shore; hence, to traffic to and fro, to carry on commerce in general. See {Bark} a vessel … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bargain — Bar gain, n. [OE. bargayn, bargany, OF. bargaigne, bargagne, prob. from a supposed LL. barcaneum, fr. barca a boat which carries merchandise to the shore; hence, to traffic to and fro, to carry on commerce in general. See {Bark} a vessel. ] 1. An … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
SALE — (Heb. מְכִירָה, mekhirah). Sale may be defined as the permanent transfer for consideration of existing legal rights from one person to another. The consideration may be in money or in kind. By extension the term sale is also used to denote a… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
bargain and sale — n. A contract commonly used in real estate to transfer title and use of property from buyer to seller; does not include warranties against liens or encumbrances. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy … Law dictionary