- smuggler
- ˈsmʌɡləконтрабандист, контрабандистское судно
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
smuggler — ⇒SMUGGLER, SMOGLEUR, subst. masc. MAR. [Au XIXe s.] Petit navire qui faisait la contrebande entre l Angleterre et la France; homme faisant de la contrebande sur un tel navire. Le frêle bateau qui le ramène [d Angleterre] est aperçu de Boulogne;… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Smuggler — Smug gler, n. 1. One who smuggles. [1913 Webster] 2. A vessel employed in smuggling. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smuggler — index bootlegger, criminal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
smuggler — 1660s, from Low Ger. smuggeln or Du. smokkelen to transport (goods) illegally, apparently a frequentative formation of a word meaning to sneak (from P.Gmc. *smuganan) and related to SMOCK (Cf. smock) (q.v.) … Etymology dictionary
smuggler — smuggle smug‧gle [ˈsmʌgl] verb [transitive] LAW to take something or someone illegally from one country to another: smuggle something into/out of • They caught her trying to smuggle drugs into France. • The silver was found in Yugoslavia and… … Financial and business terms
smuggler — UK [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)lə(r)] / US [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)lər] noun [countable] Word forms smuggler : singular smuggler plural smugglers someone who secretly and illegally takes goods or people into or out of a country, especially as a way of earning money … English dictionary
smuggler — (smo gleur) s. m. 1° Navire qui fait la contre bande entre l Angleterre et la France. Adjectivement. Navire smuggler. 2° Celui qui fait la contre bande entre l Angleterre et la France. De hardis smugglers. On le trouve écrit smogleur.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
smuggler — smug|gler [ˈsmʌgələ US ər] n someone who takes something illegally from one country to another ▪ a drug smuggler … Dictionary of contemporary English
smuggler — noun (C) someone who takes something illegally from one country to another: a drug smuggler … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
smuggler — smuggle ► VERB 1) move (goods) illegally into or out of a country. 2) convey secretly and illicitly. DERIVATIVES smuggler noun smuggling noun. ORIGIN Low German smuggelen … English terms dictionary
Smuggler (production company) — SMUGGLER is a production company founded in 2002 by Patrick Milling Smith and Brian Carmody. Last year Smuggler launched Honeyshed, which appeared at the Sundance Festival where the short film Force 1 , created for eBay, was a selection. They… … Wikipedia