- secondary
- ˈsekəndərɪвторичный, дополнительный, вспомогательный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Secondary — Sec ond*a*ry, a. [Cf. F. secondaire, L. secundaire. See {Second}, a.] 1. Succeeding next in order to the first; of second place, origin, rank, etc.; not primary; subordinate; not of the first order or rate. [1913 Webster] Wheresoever there is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
secondary — deleted sense 3 so little evidence old fashioned? sec‧ond‧a‧ry [ˈsekəndri ǁ deri] adjective 1. secondary shares/bonds etc FINANCE shares, stocks etc in companies that are not considered to be the biggest or most important; = SECOND TIER: • The… … Financial and business terms
Secondary — is an adjective meaning second or second hand . It may refer to: * Secondary education * A secondary consumer in an ecological sense * Secondary dominant, in music * Secondary, in American football and Canadian football, the group of (usually at… … Wikipedia
secondary — sec·ond·ary / se kən ˌder ē/ adj 1: of second rank, status, importance, or value 2: derived from something original or primary 3: of, relating to, or being the second order or stage in a series sec·ond·ar·i·ly /ˌse kən der ə lē/ adv se … Law dictionary
secondary — [sek′ən der΄ē] adj. [ME secundary < L secundarius] 1. second, or below the first, in rank, importance, class, place, etc.; subordinate; minor; not primary 2. a) derived or resulting from something considered primary or original; dependent;… … English World dictionary
Secondary — Sec ond*a*ry, n.; pl. {Secondaries}. 1. One who occupies a subordinate, inferior, or auxiliary place; a delegate or deputy; one who is second or next to the chief officer; as, the secondary, or undersheriff of the city of London. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
secondary — (adj.) late 14c., from L. secundarius pertaining to the second class, inferior, from secundus (see SECOND (Cf. second) (adj.)). Of colors, from 1831; of education, from 1809. Secondary succession attested from 1905 … Etymology dictionary
secondary — [adj1] subordinate; less important accessory, alternate, auxiliary, backup, bushleague*, collateral, consequential, contingent, dependent, dinky*, extra, inconsiderable, inferior, insignificant, lesser, lower, minor, minor league*, petty, relief … New thesaurus
secondary — adj *subordinate, dependent, subject, tributary, collateral Analogous words: *auxiliary, accessory, subservient, subsidiary, contributory: incidental, *accidental, adventitious Antonyms: primary … New Dictionary of Synonyms
secondary — A second mail sorting operation that separates mail into finer levels. (Compare with primary and tertiary) … Glossary of postal terms
secondary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) coming after, less important than, or resulting from something primary. 2) relating to education for children from the age of eleven to sixteen or eighteen. DERIVATIVES secondarily adverb … English terms dictionary