- risk assets
- неликвидные активы, долгосрочные инвестиции и долгосрочные активы
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
risk assets — /rɪsk æsets/ plural noun assets of a bank which are in securities or bonds which may fall in value … Dictionary of banking and finance
risk asset ratio — /ˌrɪsk ˌæset reɪʃiəυ/ noun a proportion of a bank’s capital which is in risk assets … Dictionary of banking and finance
assets — I noun available means, belongings, bona, capital, chattels, effects, estate, funds, goods, holdings, inventories, money, pecuniary resources, personal effects, personal resources, possessions, principal, property, reserves, resources, riches,… … Law dictionary
Risk — takers redirects here. For the Canadian television program, see Risk Takers. For other uses, see Risk (disambiguation). Risk is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will lead to a loss (an undesirable… … Wikipedia
Risk aversion — is a concept in psychology, economics, and finance, based on the behavior of humans (especially consumers and investors) while exposed to uncertainty. Risk aversion is the reluctance of a person to accept a bargain with an uncertain payoff rather … Wikipedia
Risk modeling — refers to the use of formal econometric techniques to determine the aggregate risk in a financial portfolio. Risk modeling is one of many subtasks within the broader area of financial modeling.Risk modeling uses a variety of techniques including… … Wikipedia
risk-free — UK US adjective ► used to describe something that does not involve any risk: »This strategy is not entirely risk free. »risk free assets … Financial and business terms
Risk-neutral measure — In mathematical finance, a risk neutral measure, is a prototypical case of an equivalent martingale measure. It is heavily used in the pricing of financial derivatives due to the fundamental theorem of asset pricing, which implies that in a… … Wikipedia
Risk management — For non business risks, see risk, and the disambiguation page risk analysis Example of risk management: A NASA model showing areas at high risk from impact for the International Space Station. Risk management is the identification, assessment,… … Wikipedia
risk matrix — A method of risk analysis customized for businesses from a basic framework developed by the US military in the identification of operational risk It is in essence a brainstorming technique. When applied to a business, the two dimensions of the… … Big dictionary of business and management
Risk neutral — In economics, risk neutral behavior is in between risk aversion and risk seeking. If offered either 50 EUR or a 50% chance of 100 EUR, a risk averse person will take the 50 EUR, a risk seeking person will take the 50% chance of 100 EUR, and a… … Wikipedia