- retirement
- rɪˈtaɪəməntвыход на пенсию/в отставку уход(с работы,должности) изъятие из обращения,погашение выкуп,оплата,выбытие оборудования
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
retirement — ⇒RETIREMENT, subst. masc. Vieilli A. 1. DR. Obligation faite à l acheteur, dans une vente mobilière, de prendre livraison de la chose vendue. En matière de vente de denrées et effets mobiliers, la résolution de la vente aura lieu de plein droit… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Retirement — Re*tire ment, n. [Cf. F. retirement.] 1. The act of retiring, or the state of being retired; withdrawal; seclusion; as, the retirement of an officer. [1913 Webster] O, blest Retirement, friend of life s decline. Goldsmith. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
retirement — Retirement, Retractio. Retirement et recelement, Receptio. Retirement de l autruy à soy, Detractio alieni. Retirement et retraction de nerfs, Contractio neruorum … Thresor de la langue françoyse
retirement — Retirement. s. m. v. Contraction, racourcissement. Il n a d usage qu en termes de Chirurgie & dans ces phrases. Le retirement des nerfs. un retirement de nerfs … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
retirement — index abandonment (desertion), cessation (termination), end (termination), expiration, layoff … Law dictionary
retirement — (n.) 1590s, act of retreating, also act of withdrawing into seclusion, from Fr. retirement (1570s); see RETIRE (Cf. retire) + MENT (Cf. ment). Meaning privacy is from c.1600; that of withdrawal from occupation or business is from 1640s … Etymology dictionary
retirement — ► NOUN 1) the action or fact of retiring. 2) the period of one s life after retiring from work. 3) seclusion … English terms dictionary
retirement — [ri tīr′mənt] n. 1. a retiring or being retired; specif., withdrawal from work, business, etc. because of age 2. a) privacy; seclusion b) a place of privacy or seclusion … English World dictionary
Retirement — For other uses, see Retirement (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
retirement — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ early, premature ▪ A knee injury forced him into premature retirement. ▪ active ▪ comfortable, happy, secure … Collocations dictionary
retirement — Removal from circulation of stock or bonds that have been reacquired or redeemed. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * retirement re‧tire‧ment [rɪˈtaɪəmənt ǁ ˈtaɪr ] noun 1. [uncountable] the act of leaving a job because you have reached the end… … Financial and business terms