- resource
- rɪˈsɔ:sспособ,средство,ресурсы вспомогат.средство,деньги природные ресурсы(богатства)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
resource — Resource … Thresor de la langue françoyse
resource — 1 in plural form resources assets, belongings, effects, *possessions, means 2 Resource, resort, expedient, shift, makeshift, stopgap, substitute, surrogate can all denote something to which one turns for help or assistance in difficulty or need… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
resource — resource, resort, recourse 1. The three words all have to do with finding help or support and are chiefly distinguished from one another by the typical phrase patterns in which they operate. These are given in the table below. resource a simple… … Modern English usage
resource — [rē′sôrs΄, rē′zôrs΄; ri sôrs′, rizôrs′] n. [Fr ressource < OFr < resourdre, to arise anew < re , again + sourdre, to spring up < L surgere: see SURGE] 1. something that lies ready for use or that can be drawn upon for aid or to take… … English World dictionary
Resource — Re*source (r?*s?rs ), n. [F. ressource, fr. OF. ressourdre, resourdre, to spring forth or up again; pref. re re + sourdre to spring forth. See {Source}.] 1. That to which one resorts orr on which one depends for supply or support; means of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
resource — I noun accumulation, asset, available means, capital, contrivance, dependence, device, essential, estate, expedient, facultates, fund, income, instrument, material, means, property, provision, reserve, reserve fund, resort, revenue, source, stock … Law dictionary
Resource — [engl.], Ressource … Universal-Lexikon
resource — 1610s, means of supplying a want or deficiency, from Fr. resourse, from fem. pp. of O.Fr. resourdre to rally, raise again, from L. resurgere rise again (see RESURGENT (Cf. resurgent)). Resources a country s wealth first recorded 1779 … Etymology dictionary
resource — [n] supply drawn upon, either material or nonmaterial ability, appliance, artifice, assets, capability, capital, cleverness, contraption, contrivance, course, creation, device, expedient, fortune, hoard, ingenuity, initiative, inventiveness,… … New thesaurus
resource — ► NOUN 1) (resources) a stock or supply of materials or assets that can be drawn on in order to function effectively. 2) (resources) a country s collective means of supporting itself or becoming wealthier, as represented by its minerals, land,… … English terms dictionary
Resource — A resource is any physical or virtual entity of limited availability, or anything used to help one earn a living.fact|date=February 2008 In most cases, commercial or even ethic factors require resource allocation through resource management.Types … Wikipedia