remuneration for over-time and for work on

remuneration for over-time and for work on
Sundays and public holidays вознаграждение за работу в сверхурочные часы и в воскресные и праздничные дни

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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  • capital and interest — ▪ economics Introduction       in economics, a stock of resources that may be employed in the production of goods and services and the price paid for the use of credit or money, respectively.       Capital in economics is a word of many meanings …   Universalium

  • Japanese work environment — Many both in and outside of Japan share an image of the Japanese work environment that is based on a lifetime employment model used by large companies as well as a reputation of long work hours and unusually strong devotion to one s company. This …   Wikipedia

  • LEASE AND HIRE — The Hebrew term sekhirut embraces the lease of immovable property (houses and fields) as well as the hire of movable property and personal services, and is a near parallel of locatio conductio rei in Roman law. In this article the term hire is… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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