- recall
- rɪˈkɔ:lотозвание (должностного лица), отмена, аннулирование изымать, брать обратно, требовать обратно, отменять, отзывать (посла, депутата)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
recall — re‧call [rɪˈkɔːl ǁ ˈkɒːl] verb [transitive] 1. COMMERCE if a company recalls one of its products, it asks customers to return it because there may be something wrong with it: • The company was forced to recall one range of cereals after several… … Financial and business terms
Recall — may refer to:*Product recall *Recall election *Letter to recall sent to return an ambassador from a country, either as a diplomatic protest or because the diplomat is being reassigned elsewhere and is being replaced by another envoy *Recall to… … Wikipedia
recall — re·call /ri kȧl, rē ˌkȯl/ n 1: a call to return a recall of workers 2: the right or procedure by which an official may be removed by vote of the people a recall petition 3: the act of revoking 4: a public cal … Law dictionary
Recall — Re*call (r[ e]*k[add]l ), v. t. 1. To call back; to summon to return; as, to recall troops; to recall an ambassador. [1913 Webster] If Henry were recalled to life again. Shak. 2. To revoke; to annul by a subsequent act; to take back; to withdraw; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Recall — (aus dem Lateinischen und Englischen zusammengefasst: re, zurück und call, rufen) ist: Zweite Runde des Castings bei Casting Shows Recall und Precision ist ein Maß zur Beschreibung der Güte eines Suchergebnisses in der Informatik und in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
recall — [n1] remembrance anamnesis, memory, recollection, reminiscence; concept 529 Ant. forgetfulness recall [n2] request for return annulment, cancellation, nullification, recision, repeal, rescindment, rescission, retraction, revocation, withdrawal;… … New thesaurus
Recall — Re*call , n. 1. A calling back; a revocation. [1913 Webster] T is done, and since t is done, t is past recall. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mil.) A call on the trumpet, bugle, or drum, by which soldiers are recalled from duty, labor, etc. Wilhelm.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
recall — ► VERB 1) remember. 2) cause one to remember or think of. 3) officially order to return. 4) (of a manufacturer) request the return of (faulty products). 5) reselect (a sports player) as a member of a team. 6) call up (stored computer data). ► … English terms dictionary
recall — [ri kôl′; ] also, & for n. & vt. 4 usually [, rē′kôl΄] vt. 1. to call back; ask or order to return; specif., to ask purchasers to return (an imperfect or dangerous product), often so that a manufacturing defect can be corrected 2. to bring back… … English World dictionary
recall — (v.) 1580s, to bring back by calling upon, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + CALL (Cf. call) (v.); in some cases a loan translation of M.Fr. rappeler (see REPEAL (Cf. repeal)) or L. revocare (see REVOKE (Cf. revoke)). Sense of … Etymology dictionary
recall — vb 1 recollect, *remember, remind, reminisce, bethink, mind Analogous words: evoke, elicit, extract, *educe: *stir, rouse, arouse, waken, awaken 2 *revoke, reverse, repeal, rescind Analogous words: * … New Dictionary of Synonyms