- reasonable price
- умеренная цена, доступная цена
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
reasonable price — sensible price, fair price, tariff which every person can afford, popular price … English contemporary dictionary
price — I noun amount, appraisal, appraisement, charge, compensation, cost, disbursement, due, estimate, estimation, exaction, exchange value, expenditure, expense, fare, fee, figure, outlay, payment, premium, pretium, purchase money, quotation, rate,… … Law dictionary
reasonable — rea‧son‧a‧ble [ˈriːznəbl] adjective 1. fair and sensible: • The company maintained that its bills were reasonable. • The restaurant sells good food at reasonable prices (= prices that are not too high ) . • The law requires the employer to take … Financial and business terms
Growth At A Reasonable Price - GARP — An equity investment strategy that seeks to combine tenets of both growth investing and value investing to find individual stocks. GARP investors look for companies that are showing consistent earnings growth above broad market levels (a tenet of … Investment dictionary
at a reasonable price — at a fair price, at a cost which is neither too high nor too low … English contemporary dictionary
price — A fixed value of something. Prices are usually expressed in monetary terms. In a free market, prices are set as a result of the interaction of supply and demand in a market; when demand for a product increases and supply remains constant, the… … Financial and business terms
reasonable — [[t]ri͟ːzənəb(ə)l[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED If you think that someone is fair and sensible you can say that they are reasonable. He s a reasonable sort of chap... Oh, come on, be reasonable. Ant: unreasonable Derived words: reasonably… … English dictionary
reasonable — rea|son|a|ble [ riznəbl ] adjective ** 1. ) someone who is reasonable behaves in a sensible and fair way: RATIONAL: I ll come back when you re in a more reasonable mood. be reasonable: Come on, be reasonable I didn t mean to do it! a ) used about … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
reasonable — rea|son|a|ble W2S1 [ˈri:zənəbəl] adj 1.) fair and sensible ≠ ↑unreasonable ▪ a reasonable request ▪ Be reasonable you can t expect her to do all the work on her own! ▪ I thought it was a perfectly reasonable (=completely reasonable) question. it… … Dictionary of contemporary English
reasonable */*/*/ — UK [ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l] / US [ˈrɪz(ə)nəb(ə)l] adjective 1) a) someone who is reasonable behaves in a sensible and fair way I ll come back when you re in a more reasonable mood. be reasonable: Come on, be reasonable – I didn t mean to do it! b) used… … English dictionary
price — 1 /praIs/ noun 1 MONEY (C, U) the amount of money for which something is sold, bought, or offered: Fuel prices are rising steadily. (+ of): Can you tell me what the price of a new window would be? | They agreed on a price of 2000 for the car. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English