rank-and-file members

rank-and-file members
рядовые члены

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rank-and-file members" в других словарях:

  • rank and file — n the rank and file the ordinary members of an organization rather than the leaders ▪ The rank and file of the party had lost confidence in the leadership. >rank and file adj [only before noun] ▪ the rank and file members of the trade union …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rank-and-file — adjective rank and file members of the party Thesaurus: general words used to describe rank and statushyponym from an upper class familysynonym Main entry: rank and file …   Useful english dictionary

  • rank and file — N SING: usu the N The rank and file are the ordinary members of an organization or the ordinary workers in a company, as opposed to its leaders or managers. [JOURNALISM] There was widespread support for him among the rank and file... Substantial… …   English dictionary

  • rank and file — ˌrank and ˈfile noun the rank and file the ordinary members of a union, who are not union officials: • So far, leaders are maintaining discipline among the rank and file. rank and file adjective [only before a noun] : • rank and file union… …   Financial and business terms

  • rank-and-file — ˌrank and ˈfile noun the rank and file the ordinary members of a union, who are not union officials: • So far, leaders are maintaining discipline among the rank and file. rank and file adjective [only before a noun] : • rank and file union… …   Financial and business terms

  • rank and file — {n. phr.} Ordinary people; the regular membership of an organization; the enlisted privates in the Army. * /The general usually inspects the rank and file on specific national holidays./ * /The secretary of the association sends letters annually… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rank and file — {n. phr.} Ordinary people; the regular membership of an organization; the enlisted privates in the Army. * /The general usually inspects the rank and file on specific national holidays./ * /The secretary of the association sends letters annually… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Rank and file — File File (f[imac]l), n. [F. file row (cf. Pr., Sp., Pg., & It. fila), LL. fila, fr. L. filum a thread. Cf. {Enfilade}, {Filament}, {Fillet}.] 1. An orderly succession; a line; a row; as: (a) (Mil.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rank and file, the — noun all the members of a group or organization except the leaders or officers: The union s message is popular with the rank and file. ╾ ,rank and file adjective …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rank and file — rank′ and file′ n. 1) cvb the members of any organization, esp. a union, apart from its leaders or officers 2) cvb mil rank I, 6), a) • Etymology: 1590–1600 rank′ and file′, adj. rank′ and fil′er, n …   From formal English to slang

  • rank and file — The rank and file are the ordinary members of a company, organisation, etc, excluding the managers and directors …   The small dictionary of idiomes

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