- railway system
- железнодорожная сеть
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
railway system — geležinkelių sistema statusas Aprobuotas sritis geležinkelių transportas apibrėžtis Struktūrinių ir funkcinių geležinkelių posistemių visuma, jų valdymas ir eksploatavimas. atitikmenys: angl. railway system vok. Eisenbahnsystem, n pranc. système… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
railway system — noun line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑railway, ↑railroad, ↑railroad line, ↑railway line • Derivationally related forms:… … Useful english dictionary
Railway System of Zambia — Railway Systems of Zambia Limited (RSZ) is a private company incorporated and registered in Zambia. It is a subsidiary of NLPI Ltd, an investment holding company, whose main investment focus is infrastructure related projects on the continent of… … Wikipedia
Railway electrification system — Railway electrification supplies electrical energy to railway locomotives and multiple units so they can operate without having a reciprocating engine of their own.CharacteristicsThe main advantage of electric traction is a higher power to weight … Wikipedia
Fell mountain railway system — The Fell system uses a raised centre rail between the two running rails on steeply graded railway lines to provide extra traction and braking, or braking alone. Trains are propelled by wheels or braked by shoes pressed horizontally onto the… … Wikipedia
Railway Mania — is the term given to the speculative frenzy in Britain in the 1840s. It followed a common pattern: as the price of railway shares increased, more and more money was poured in by speculators, until the inevitable collapse. It reached its zenith in … Wikipedia
Railway Reserve Heritage Trail, Western Australia — Railway Reserve Heritage Trail, also on some road maps as Rail reserves heritage trail or Rail reserves historical trail and frequently referred to locally as the Bridle Trail or Bridle Track, is within the Shire of Mundaring in Western Australia … Wikipedia
Railway nationalization — refers to the act of nationalizing rail transport assets, taking them into public ownership. Several countries have nationalized part or all of their railway system at different times.More recently, the international trend has been towards… … Wikipedia
Railway stations in Venezuela — include:( [http://www.indexmundi.com/venezuela/railways.html Index Mundi: Venezuela Railways] )City with underground railway system: * Caracas (El Metro de Caracas, operated by [http://www.metrodecaracas.com.ve C.A. Metro de Caracas] ) * Los… … Wikipedia
Railway stations in Angola — include: Maps * [http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/map/profile/angola.pdf UNJLC Map] * [http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/fullMaps Af.nsf/luFullMap/4C2BCBA5561DCD498525706900768B6A/$File/unhcr REF ago300605.pdf?OpenElement Map] *… … Wikipedia
railway line — n BrE ↑sleeper 1.) one of the two metal tracks fixed to the ground that trains move along American Equivalent: railroad track, train track 2.) a part of the railway system that connects two places American Equivalent: railroad line ▪ an old… … Dictionary of contemporary English