- quintessence
- kwɪnˈtesnsквинтэссенция, сущность
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
quintessence — [ kɛ̃tesɑ̃s ] n. f. • quinte essence v. 1265; lat. scolast. quinta essentia, trad. gr. pemptê ousia « cinquième essence » 1 ♦ Philos. anc. Cinquième élément (l éther) ajouté aux quatre éléments d Empédocle. ♢ Alchim. Qualité pure, principe… … Encyclopédie Universelle
quintessence — Quintessence. s. f. Le plus pur, le plus subtil qui se tire des substances corporelles, par le feu, ou autrement. Les Chymistes jusqu à present n ont pû tirer la quintessence de l or. Il signifie figur. Ce qu il y a de principal, de plus fin, de… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Quintessence — Quin*tes sence, v. t. To distil or extract as a quintessence; to reduce to a quintessence. [R.] Stirling. Truth quintessenced and raised to the highest power. J. A. Symonds. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Quintessence — Quin*tes sence, n. [F., fr. L. quinta essentia fifth essence. See {Quint}, and {Essence}.] 1. The fifth or last and highest essence or power in a natural body. See {Ferment oils}, under {Ferment}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Note: The ancient Greeks… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Quintessence — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Progressive Rock Gründung 1969 Auflösung 1980 (?) Website … Deutsch Wikipedia
quintessence — I noun acme, acme of perfection, center, character, characteristic, consequence, consummation, content, core, cornerstone, corpus, culmination, distilled essence, elixir, essence, essentialness, essential part, gist, heart, height, kernel,… … Law dictionary
quintessence — (n.) early 15c., in ancient and medieval philosophy, pure essence, substance of which the heavenly bodies are composed, lit. fifth essence, from M.Fr. quinte essence (14c.), from M.L. quinta essentia, from L. quinta, fem. of quintus fifth (see… … Etymology dictionary
quintessence — [n] essence, core apotheosis, bottom, distillation, epitome, essentiality, extract, gist, heart, kernel, last word, lifeblood, marrow, pith, quiddity, soul, spirit, stuff, substance, ultimate, virtuality; concepts 682,826 Ant. extra … New thesaurus
quintessence — ► NOUN 1) the most perfect or typical example or embodiment of a quality or type. 2) a refined essence or extract of a substance. ORIGIN from Latin quinta essentia fifth essence , from the belief in ancient philosophy that a fifth substance… … English terms dictionary
quintessence — [kwin tes′əns] n. [ME quyntencense < MFr quinte essence < ML quinta essentia] 1. in ancient and medieval philosophy, the fifth essence, or ultimate substance, of which the heavenly bodies were thought to be composed: distinguished from the… … English World dictionary
Quintessence — Эта статья о британской рок группе. Об альбоме группы Borknagar см. Quintessence (альбом). Quintessence Жанры прогрессивный рок психоделический рок … Википедия