average quality

average quality
среднее качество

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "average quality" в других словарях:

  • Fair Average Quality —    ► See FAQ. * * * fair average quality UK US adjective (ABBREVIATION FAQ) COMMERCE ► used to describe food products such as grain, fruit, etc. that are of a good enough quality to be sold: »The broker had to decide whether the raisins were fair …   Financial and business terms

  • average — I (midmost) adjective center, centermost, intermediate, mean, mean proportioned, medial, median, mediate, medium, mid, middle, middle class, middle grade, middlemost, middling associated concepts: average annual earnings or wages, average capital …   Law dictionary

  • quality — ▪ I. quality qual‧i‧ty 1 [ˈkwɒlti ǁ ˈkwɑː ] noun qualities PLURALFORM 1. [countable] something such as courage, intelligence, or loyalty that people may have as part of their character: • You need special personal qualities to work as a nurse. 2 …   Financial and business terms

  • Quality — In the vernacular, quality can mean a high degree of excellence (“a quality product”), a degree of excellence or the lack of it (“work of average quality”), or a property of something (“the addictive quality of alcohol”). [The third meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • quality Joe — n. an innocent or straight (male) person. (Underworld.) □ Lefty is not what I would call your average quality Joe. □ These quality Joes just don’t understand how it is on the street …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Average bitrate — refers to the average amount of data transferredper unit of time, usually measured per second. This is commonly referred to for digital music or video. An MP3 file, for example, that has an average bit rate of 128 kbit/s transfers, on average,… …   Wikipedia

  • Quality television — (also called quality TV ) is a term used by television scholars [Dr. David Lavery (the Chair in Film and Television at Brunel University in London); Dr Janet McCabe (Trinity College, Dublin);Kim Akass (London Metropolitan University); and Kristin …   Wikipedia

  • Quality investing — is an investment strategy based on clearly defined fundamental factors that seeks to identify companies with outstanding quality characteristics. The quality assessment is made based on soft (e.g. management credibility) and hard criteria (e.g.… …   Wikipedia

  • average — n Average, mean, median, norm, par denote something and usually a number, a quantity, or a condition that represents a middle point between extremes. Of these words average, mean, median, and par are also used as adjectives. Average is an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • average — [av′ər ij, av′rij] n. [altered (by assoc. with ME average, money rent paid in place of service by the tenant with his horses < aver, draft horse) < OFr avarie, damage to ship or goods, mooring charges < OIt avaria < Ar ʿ awār, damaged …   English World dictionary

  • Average — Av er*age, n. [OF. average, LL. averagium, prob. fr. OF. aver, F. avoir, property, horses, cattle, etc.; prop. infin., to have, from L. habere to have. Cf. F. av[ e]rage small cattle, and avarie (perh. of different origin) damage to ship or cargo …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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