- transect
- 1. [ʹtrænsekt] n
поперечный разрез2. [trænʹsekt] vделать поперечный разрез
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
transect — index dichotomize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
transect — (v.) to cut across, 1630s, from L. trans across (see TRANS (Cf. trans )) + sectus, pp. of secare to cut (see SECTION (Cf. section)) … Etymology dictionary
transect — technical ► VERB ▪ cut across or make a transverse section in. ► NOUN ▪ a straight line or narrow cross section along which observations or measurements are made. DERIVATIVES transection noun. ORIGIN from TRANS (Cf. ↑trans ) + Latin secare divide … English terms dictionary
transect — [tran sekt′] vt. [< TRANS + L sectus, pp. of secare, to cut: see SAW1] to cut across or divide by cutting transection n … English World dictionary
Transect — A transect is a path along which one records and counts occurrences of the phenomenon of study (e.g. plants noting each instance).It requires an observer to move along a fixed path and to count occurrences along the path and, at the same time,… … Wikipedia
Transect — Urbanísticamente el transect es un sistema analítico que conceptúa el mutuo refuerzo los elementos a fin de crear una serie de hábitats naturales específicos con ajustes urbanos a la forma de vida. El transect integra la metodología ambiental… … Wikipedia Español
transect — 1) to divide by cutting transversely 2) a sample area in a long continuous strip. See also strip transect and visual transect … Dictionary of ichthyology
Transect — Un transect est une ligne virtuelle ou physique que l on met en place pour étudier un phénomène où l on comptera les occurrences. Cet échantillonnage (systématique ou aléatoire) peut donner lieu à l utilisation de quadrats. En forêt Le transect… … Wikipédia en Français
Transect (urban) — The urban to rural transect is an urban planning model created by Andrés Duany. The transect defines a series of zones that transition from sparse rural farmhouses to the dense urban core. Each zone is fractal in that it contains a similar… … Wikipedia
transect — I. transitive verb Etymology: trans + intersect Date: 1634 to cut transversely • transection noun II. noun Date: 1905 a sample area (as of vegetation) usually in the form of a long continuous strip … New Collegiate Dictionary
transect — n. [L. trans , across; secare, to cut] A cross section or profile of an area for study, as with organisms and/or vegetation … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology