Смотреть что такое "tradesfolk" в других словарях:
Tradesfolk — Trades folk , n. People employed in trade; tradesmen. [R.] Swift. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tradesfolk — n. merchants, sellers, merchandisers … English contemporary dictionary
tradesfolk — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun plural : people in trade; specifically : tradesmen … Useful english dictionary
tradespeople — /traydz pee peuhl/, n. pl. 1. those persons who are engaged in trade; tradesmen. 2. Chiefly Brit. a. tradesmen. b. shopkeepers collectively. Also, tradesfolk /traydz fohk /. [1720 30; TRADE + S1 + PEOPLE] * * * … Universalium
List of species in Magic: The Gathering — Magic: the Gathering is a collectible card game set in a richly detailed fictional world. The Multiverse of Dominia in which it takes place is host to a vast number of individual universes known as planes, from the varied classical environments… … Wikipedia
Super Dimension Century Orguss — The main cast of Orguss. From left to right: Leeg, Shaya Thoov, Mimsy Laaz, Kei Katsuragi, Slay, Maaie, Lieea and Mome. Jabby can be seen behind them. 超時空世紀オーガス (Chōjikū Seiki … Wikipedia
Merchant — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Merchant >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 merchant merchant trader dealer monger chandler salesman Sgm: N 1 changer changer Sgm: N 1 regrater regrater Sgm: N 1 shopkeeper shopkeeper … English dictionary for students
tradespeople — /ˈtreɪdzpipəl/ (say traydzpeepuhl) plural noun 1. people engaged in trade. 2. shopkeepers collectively. 3. people skilled in a trade (def. 4). Also, tradesfolk /ˈtreɪdzfoʊk/ (say traydzfohk) …
tradespeople — [trādz′fōk΄trādz′pē΄pəl] pl.n. people engaged in trade; esp., storekeepers: also tradesfolk [trādz′fōk΄] … English World dictionary