- bioactive
- [͵baıəʋʹæktıv] a
оказывающий воздействие на живое вещество; физиологически активный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bioactive — [bī΄ōak′tiv] adj. having a capacity to interact with a living tissue or system bioactivity [bī΄ōak tiv′ə tē] n. * * * bi·o·ac·tive (bī ō ăkʹtĭv) adj. Of or relating to a substance that has an effect on living tissue: bioactive compounds. * * * … Universalium
bioactive — ioactive adj. acting upon or influencing bodily functions; of chemical substances. Syn: pharmacological. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bioactive — [bī΄ōak′tiv] adj. having a capacity to interact with a living tissue or system bioactivity [bī΄ōak tiv′ə tē] n … English World dictionary
bioactive — Referring to a substance that can be acted upon by a living organism or by an extract from a living organism. * * * bio·ac·tive ak tiv adj having an effect on a living organism <bioactive molecules> <bioactive pharmaceuticals and… … Medical dictionary
bioactive — adjective Date: 1965 having an effect on a living organism < bioactive molecules > • bioactivity noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
bioactive — /baɪoʊˈæktɪv/ (say buyoh aktiv) adjective 1. having an effect on living organisms. –noun 2. a molecule which has a biological effect on an organism. 3. Also, food bioactive. a component molecule in a food that can promote human growth and… …
Bioactive glass — Bioactive glasses are a group of surface reactive glass ceramics and include the original bioactive glass, Bioglass. The biocompatibility of these glasses has led them to be investigated extensively for use as implant materials in the human body… … Wikipedia
bioactive — adjective a) Of or pertaining to bioactivity b) Having a biological effect … Wiktionary
bioactive — adj. that has an effect on a living organism, able of affecting living organisms … English contemporary dictionary
bioactive — adjective (of a substance) having a biological effect. Derivatives bioactivity noun … English new terms dictionary
bioactive — bio·active … English syllables