Смотреть что такое "townspeople" в других словарях:
Townspeople — Towns peo ple, n. The inhabitants of a town or city, especially in distinction from country people; townsfolk. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
townspeople — (also townsfolk) ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ the people living in a particular town or city … English terms dictionary
townspeople — [tounz′pē΄pəl] pl.n. 1. the people of a town 2. people brought up in a town or city, as distinguished from those brought up in the country … English World dictionary
townspeople — [[t]ta͟ʊnzpiːp(ə)l[/t]] N PLURAL The townspeople of a town or city are the people who live there. Food shortages forced many townspeople into the country to grow their own food … English dictionary
townspeople — towns|peo|ple [ˈtaunzpi:pəl] n also towns|folk [ fəuk US fouk] [plural] all the people who live in a particular town ▪ the proud townspeople of Semer Water … Dictionary of contemporary English
townspeople — also towns.folk noun (plural) 1 all the people who live in a particular town: the proud townspeople of Semer Water 2 people who live in towns and not in the country … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
townspeople — noun plural Date: 1648 1. the inhabitants of a town or city ; townsmen 2. town dwelling or town bred persons … New Collegiate Dictionary
townspeople — /townz pee peuhl/, n. pl. 1. the inhabitants or citizenry of a town. 2. people who were raised in a town or city. Also called townsfolk. [1640 50; TOWN + S1 + PEOPLE] * * * … Universalium
townspeople — noun The population or inhabitants of a village, town or city Syn: denizens, townfolk, villagers Ant: countryfolk, bumpkins, hics … Wiktionary
townspeople — Synonyms and related words: big city man, bourgeois, burgess, burgher, city dweller, city man, city slicker, exurbanite, oppidan, suburbanite, townee, towner, townfolk, townfolks, townsman, townswoman, urbanite, villager, villageress … Moby Thesaurus
townspeople — towns|peo|ple [ taunz,pipl ] noun plural the people who live in a town or city … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English