Смотреть что такое "townman" в других словарях:
townman — town·man … English syllables
townman — nmən noun (plural townmen) Etymology: Middle English toun man, from Old English tūnman villager, from tūn town + man more at town : townsman 1 … Useful english dictionary
Tanman — Recorded in the spellings of Tanman, Tenman, Tinham, Tinman, Tineman, Townman, Tunman, Tynam, this is an Rnglish surname. It is almost certainly locational, and however spelt, not occupational, and it is claimed that it derives from the village… … Surnames reference
Tenman — Recorded in the spellings of Tanman, Tenman, Tinham, Tinman, Tineman, Townman, Tunman, Tynam, this is an Rnglish surname. It is almost certainly locational, and however spelt, not occupational, and it is claimed that it derives from the village… … Surnames reference
Tinham — Recorded in the spellings of Tanman, Tenman, Tinham, Tinman, Tineman, Townman, Tunman, Tynam, this is an Rnglish surname. It is almost certainly locational, and however spelt, not occupational, and it is claimed that it derives from the village… … Surnames reference
Tineman — Recorded in the spellings of Tanman, Tenman, Tinham, Tinman, Tineman, Townman, Tunman, Tynam, this is an English surname. It is almost certainly locational, and however spelt, not occupational, and it is claimed that it derives from the village… … Surnames reference
Tinman — Recorded in the spellings of Tanman, Tenman, Tinham, Tinman, Tineman, Townman, Tunman, Tynam, this is an English surname. It is almost certainly locational, and however spelt, not occupational, and it is claimed that it derives from the village… … Surnames reference