- tourneyer
- [ʹtʋə|nıə,ʹtɔ:{nıə}-] n ист.
участник турнира
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tourneyer — tour·ney·er … English syllables
tourneyer — ēə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: tourney (I) + er : one that enters a tourney … Useful english dictionary
Hastilude — Literally a ‘spear game’. Often used as a generic form for tournaments, or a mкlйe form where knights fought as integrated groups called conroi to practice their unit skills and to capture their opponents and thus capture their horses and… … Medieval glossary
Ransom Tournament — A modern format of tournament growing in popularity in the Society for Creative Anachronism, frequently called William Marshal tournaments after the greatest tourneyer of the ransom tourney age. In these tournaments men entered the lists at their … Medieval glossary
Renown — The reputation of a combatant based upon the virtues that others perceive in him from his word, thoughts and deeds. See also the essay concerning Errants & the Company of Saint George. I have called renown the ‘coin of the tourneyer’, the only… … Medieval glossary
tourney — /ˈtʊəni/ (say toouhnee), /ˈtɔ / (say taw ) Obsolete –noun (plural tourneys) 1. → tournament (def. 3). –verb (i) (tourneyed, tourneying) 2. to contend or engage in a tournament. {def. 1 (noun) Middle English, from Old French tornei, tournay, from… …
turnor — turnor, our obs. ff. turner, tourneyer … Useful english dictionary