- bindle
- [ʹbındl] n амер. сл.
узелок с вещами, который носит бродяга на палке через плечо; ≅ связка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bindle — (from German das Bündel = bundle, bale ) is a term used to describe the bag, sack, or carrying device stereotypically used by the (commonly American) sub culture of hobos. The person carrying a bindle was called a , combining bindle with the… … Wikipedia
bindle — tramp s bundle, c.1900, perhaps from BUNDLE (Cf. bundle) or Scottish dialectal bindle cord or rope to bind things. Related: Bindlestiff … Etymology dictionary
bindle — ☆ bindle [bin′dəl ] n. [prob. < Ger bündel, bundle] Slang a bundle, as of bedding, carried by a hobo … English World dictionary
bindle — 1. n. a packet or bundle; a hobo’s pack. □ The guy had a bindle tied to a tick, just like an old time tramp. □ Throw your bindle over yonder, and plunk your butt on that empty crate. 2. n. a packet of drugs. (Drugs.) D She had a bindle of H. in… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
bindle — noun /ˈbɪndl/ a) <ref name= OED1 /> Any given length of cord, rope, twine, etc, used to bind something.<ref name= OED1 /> lastly he made a bindle in a plastic tarp of some cans of juice and cans of fruit and cans of vegetables… b) A … Wiktionary
bindle stiff — noun hobos, misfits, criminals, wanderers or drifting harvest workers; so called because they carry a bindle Quotation: used in Of Mice and Men … Wiktionary
bindle — noun Etymology: perhaps alteration of bundle Date: 1897 a bundle of clothes or bedding … New Collegiate Dictionary
bindle — /bin dl/, n. Slang. a bundle, usually of bedding and other possessions, carried by a hobo. [1895 1900; prob. akin to BUNDLE; uncert. if < dial. source or < G Bündel] * * * … Universalium
bindle — n. (Slang) bundle; tiny pack of drug powder; heroin … English contemporary dictionary
bindle — bin·dle … English syllables
bindle — ˈbindəl noun ( s) Etymology: probably alter of bundle 1. slang a. : a bundle usually containing clothing and cooking utensils b … Useful english dictionary