- toties quoties
- [͵təʋtıeızʹkwəʋtıeız] лат.
каждый раз
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
toties quoties — ˈtōd.ēˌāˈskwōd.ēˌās, ˈtōshēˌēzˈkwōshēˌēz adverb Etymology: Latin, as many times as : repeatedly used of an indulgence in the Roman Catholic Church that may be gained or granted as often as the required works are performed an indulgence granted… … Useful english dictionary
Toties-quoties-Ablass — To|ti|es quo|ti|es Ab|lass, der; es, ...lässe [zu lat. toties quoties = so oft wie] (kath. Kirche): Ablass, der so oft erlangt werden kann, wie die gestellten Bedingungen erfüllt werden … Universal-Lexikon
Toties-quoties-Ablass — To|ti|es quo|ti|es Ab|lass [ to:tsi̯ɛs kvo:tsi̯ɛs...] der; es, ...lässe <zu lat. toties quoties »so oft wie«> Ablass, der [an einem Tag] mit jeder Erfüllung der gestellten Bedingungen neu gewonnen werden kann (kath. Kirche) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
toties quoties — adv. (Latin) as often as , repetitively, again and again, repeatedly n. (Latin) as often as , indulgence that can be obtained as often as desired (Roman Catholic) … English contemporary dictionary
toties quoties — adv. as often as ; repeatedly; n. Roman Catholic, indulgence obtainable as often as desired … Dictionary of difficult words
toties quoties — /towshiy(iy)z kwowshiy(iy)z/ As often as occasion shall arise … Black's law dictionary
Plerique enim lacrimas fundunt; et toties siccos oculos habent, quoties spectator defuit. — См. Наследник глазами плачется, а сердцем смеется … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Diario Romano — • A booklet published annually at Rome, with papal authorization, giving the routine of feasts and fasts to be observed in Rome and the ecclesiastical functions to be performed in the city Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Diario Romano… … Catholic encyclopedia
autant — Autant, Adaeque, Peraeque, Tantum. Autant ou, non plus. Il n y a que cela, Tantum est. En autant de paroles, ne plus ne moins, Totidem verbis. Homme autant heureux, que bien renommé, Homo clarissimus et perinde foelicissimus. Elle a esté autant… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
United States v. Ball — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants = United States v. Ball ArgueDate = ArgueYear = DecideDate = May 25 DecideYear = 1896 FullName = United States v. Ball, et al. USVol = 163 USPage = 662 Citation = Prior = Subsequent = Holding = SCOTUS = 1896 1897… … Wikipedia
Portiunkula-Ablaß — heißt der auf Bitten des heil. Franz von Assisi (s. d., Bd. 7, S. 31) von Papst Honorius III. 1216 bewilligte vollkommene Ablaß, demzufolge jedem, der von der Vesper des 1. bis zur Vesper des 2. Aug. nach aufrichtiger Reue und Beichte die… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon