- totidem verbis
- [͵tɒtıdemʹveəbıs] лат.
словом; этими (самыми) словами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
totidem verbis — foreign term Etymology: Latin in so many words … New Collegiate Dictionary
totidem verbis — /taw ti dem werdd bees/; Eng. /tot i dem verr bis/, Latin. with just so many words; in these words. * * * … Universalium
totidem verbis — /todadam varbas/ In so many words … Black's law dictionary
totidem verbis — /taw ti dem werdd bees/; Eng. /tot i dem verr bis/, Latin. with just so many words; in these words … Useful english dictionary
in totidem verbis — /in tōˈti dem verˈbēs or werˈbēs/ (Latin) In so many words … Useful english dictionary
totidem — n. (Latin) part of the phrase totidem verbis (in these words) … English contemporary dictionary
in totidem verbis — /in towdaydam varbas/ In so many words; in precisely the same words; word for word … Black's law dictionary
in totidem verbis — /in towdaydam varbas/ In so many words; in precisely the same words; word for word … Black's law dictionary
in totidem verbis — In so many words; in just as many words … Ballentine's law dictionary
mot — Mot, Dictio, Verbum. {{t=g}}muthéô,{{/t}} idem valet quod loquor. Il signifie aussi le son de la trompe d un Veneur sonné d art et maistrise. Fouillous au 13. chap. Il doibt prendre sa trompe et sonner quatre ou cinq mots le gresle, à fin de les… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
PROVINCIA — I. PROVINCIA in Ecclesia Latina, dioecesis Metropolitani; quae scil. habet decem vel undecim Civitates, et unum Regem, et totidem potestates sub se, et unum Metropolitanum, aliosque Suffraganeos decem vel undecim Episcopos etc. Can. Scitote 6.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale