toss down

toss down
[ʹtɒsʹdaʋn] phr v

to toss down one glass after another - осушать бокал за бокалом

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "toss down" в других словарях:

  • toss down —    to drink (an intoxicant)    Not hay off a stack but down the throat from the movement of the glass:     We need to talk, he said, and toss down a few before you go. (Shirer, 1984) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • toss down — (Roget s Thesaurus II) I (or off) verb Informal. To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid): drink, imbibe, pull on, quaff, sip, sup. Informal: swig. Slang: belt. Idiom: wet one s whistle. See MOUTH. II or off verb See toss …   English dictionary for students

  • toss — I. verb Etymology: Middle English Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. a. to fling or heave continuously about, to and fro, or up and down < a ship tossed by waves > b. bandy 2 c. to mix lightly until well coated with a dressing or until the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • toss off — Synonyms and related words: ad lib, bat out, bib, booze, botch, bungle, cook up, dash off, do anyhow, do by halves, do carelessly, do offhand, drain the cup, dram, drink, drink bottoms up, drink deep, drink hard, drink in, drink off, drink to,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Toss It Up — «Toss It Up» Сингл Makaveli из альбома The Don Killuminati: The 7 Da …   Википедия

  • toss-up — toss ups N COUNT: usu a N in sing, oft N wh, N between pl n If you say that it is a toss up whether one thing will happen or another thing will happen, you mean that either result seems equally likely. It s a toss up whether oil prices will go up …   English dictionary

  • toss — index beat (pulsate), cast (throw), launch (project), precipitate (throw down violently), send Burton s Legal Thesaurus. Wil …   Law dictionary

  • toss off — verb 1. drink down entirely He downed three martinis before dinner She killed a bottle of brandy that night They popped a few beer after work • Syn: ↑pop, ↑bolt down, ↑belt down, ↑pour down, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • toss — [[t]tɒ̱s, AM tɔ͟ːs[/t]] tosses, tossing, tossed 1) VERB If you toss something somewhere, you throw it there lightly, often in a rather careless way. [V n prep/adv] He screwed the paper into a ball and tossed it into the fire... [V n prep/adv] He… …   English dictionary

  • toss — toss1 [ tɔs ] verb ** ▸ 1 throw something carelessly ▸ 2 get rid of something ▸ 3 move something up and down ▸ 4 cover something in liquid ▸ 5 throw coin into air ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) transitive to throw something somewhere gently or in a slightly… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • toss — [c]/tɒs / (say tos) verb (tossed or, Poetic, tost, tossing) –verb (t) 1. to throw, pitch, or fling, especially to throw lightly or carelessly: to toss a piece of paper into the wastepaper basket. 2. to throw or send (a ball, etc.) from one to… …  

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