- torturable
- [ʹtɔ:tʃ(ə)rəb(ə)l] a редк.
подвергаемый пытке
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Torturable — Tor tur*a*ble, a. Capable of being tortured. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
torturable — tor·tur·able … English syllables
torturable — ˈtȯ(r)ch(ə)rəbəl adjective Etymology: torture (II) + able : capable of being tortured … Useful english dictionary
torture — torturable, adj. torturedly, adv. torturer, n. torturesome, adj. torturingly, adv. /tawr cheuhr/, n., v., tortured, torturing. n. 1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or… … Universalium
TORTURE — Un traité de police judiciaire datant de 1951 et conçu à l’usage des commissaires et officiers de police conseillait: «Il existe un degré inférieur de torture qui ne tombe pas sous le coup de la loi, qui ne vicie même pas la procédure et qui aide … Encyclopédie Universelle
torture — n. & v. n. 1 the infliction of severe bodily pain esp. as a punishment or a means of persuasion. 2 severe physical or mental suffering (the torture of defeat). v.tr. 1 subject to torture (tortured by guilt). 2 force out of a natural position or… … Useful english dictionary