- tonguelashing
- [ʹtʌŋ͵læʃıŋ] n разг.
«проработка», разнос
to suffer from a fifteen-minute tonguelashing - в течение пятнадцати минут подвергаться проработке
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to suffer from a fifteen-minute tonguelashing - в течение пятнадцати минут подвергаться проработке
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tongue-lashing — {n.} A sharp scolding or criticism. * /Jim s mother gave him a tongue lashing for telling family secrets./ Syn.: PIECE OF ONE S MIND … Dictionary of American idioms
tongue-lashing — {n.} A sharp scolding or criticism. * /Jim s mother gave him a tongue lashing for telling family secrets./ Syn.: PIECE OF ONE S MIND … Dictionary of American idioms
tirade — [n] abuse, outburst anger, berating, censure, condemnation, denunciation, diatribe, dispute, fulmination, harangue, invective, jeremiad*, lecture, malediction, philippic*, ranting, revilement, screed, sermon, tonguelashing*, vituperation;… … New thesaurus