- bimillennial
- [͵baımıʹlenıəl] a книжн.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bimillennial — noun see bimillenary … New Collegiate Dictionary
bimillennial — See bimillennium. * * * … Universalium
bimillennial — 1. noun The 2,000th anniversary of an event or happening. 2. adjective Occurring every thousand (2,000) years and 2 millennia … Wiktionary
bimillennial — bi·millennial … English syllables
bimillennial — noun see bimillenary I … Useful english dictionary
Preterismo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El preterismo es una variación de la escatología cristiana que mantiene que algunas o todas las profecías Bíblicas concernientes a los Últimos Días (o Tiempos Finales) se refieren a eventos que en realidad ocurrieron … Wikipedia Español
bimillenary — or bimillennial noun Date: 1850 1. a period of 2000 years 2. a 2000th anniversary • bimillenary adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ovid — For other uses, see Ovid (disambiguation). Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid) Imaginary depiction of Ovid with laurel wreath (from an engraving) Born March 20, 43 BC Sulmo, Roman Republic (modern … Wikipedia
Jews for Jesus — is a Christian [ * During my time with the mission, I found Jews for Jesus to be a Christian ministry (or Messianic, if you prefer) with a passion for the good news about Jesus... Pastor Lev Leigh. Hope Baptist Church. Richmond, CA (… … Wikipedia
Anniversary — For other uses, see Anniversary (disambiguation). An anniversary is a day that commemorates and/or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event. For example, the first event is the initial occurrence or,… … Wikipedia
Ars Amatoria — The Ars amatoria (Latin: Art of Love ) is a poem in three books by the Roman poet Ovid. It claims to provide teaching in three areas of general preoccupation: how and where to find girls (and husbands) in Rome, how to seduce them, and how to… … Wikipedia