- toilful
- [ʹtɔılf(ə)l] a книжн.
трудный; трудоёмкий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Toilful — Toil ful, a. Producing or involving much toil; laborious; toilsome; as, toilful care. Mickle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
toilful — [toil′fəl] adj. full of toil; laborious … English World dictionary
toilful — ˈ ̷ ̷ fəl adjective Etymology: toil (I) + ful : marked by or demanding hard work or industry : laborious, toilsome toilful care toilful progress a toilful servant … Useful english dictionary
toilful — adjective see toil I … New Collegiate Dictionary
toilful — toilfully, adv. /toyl feuhl/, adj. characterized by or involving toil; laborious; toilsome. [1590 1600; TOIL1 + FUL] * * * … Universalium
toilful — toil·ful … English syllables
toilful — /ˈtɔɪlfəl/ (say toylfuhl) adjective characterised by or involving toil; laborious; toilsome. {toil1 + ful} –toilfully, adverb …
toil — I. noun Etymology: Middle English toile, from Anglo French toyl, from toiller Date: 14th century 1. archaic a. struggle, battle b. laborious effort 2. long strenuous fatiguing labor Synonyms: see work • … New Collegiate Dictionary
laborious — adj 1. toilsome, toilful, difficult, uphill, tough, hard; heavy, burdensome, hefty, weighty; arduous, strenuous, straining, exertive, vigorous; tiring, tiresome, fatiguing, wearying, wearisome, tedious, weariful, wearing. 2. careful, painstaking … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
strenuous — adj 1. active, vigorous, energetic, energetical, vibrant, vital, dynamic; ardent, intense, acute, keen; forceful, strong. 2. industrious, assiduous, diligent, sedulous; enterprising, aggressive, pushing; unflagging, unfailing, untiring, tireless … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
hard — [adj1] rocklike adamantine, callous, compact, compacted, compressed, concentrated, consolidated, dense, firm, hardened, impenetrable, indurate, indurated, inflexible, iron*, packed, rigid, rocky, set, solid, stiff, stony, strong, thick, tough,… … New thesaurus