- titleholder
- [ʹtaıtl͵həʋldə] n спорт.
the heavyweight titleholder - обладатель чемпионского титула в тяжёлом весе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the heavyweight titleholder - обладатель чемпионского титула в тяжёлом весе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
titleholder — index landholder, landowner Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
titleholder — [tīt′ l hōl΄dər] n. the holder of a title; specif., the winner of a championship, as in some sport … English World dictionary
titleholder — noun The person who currently possesses a rank or title. The titleholder of the world championship was dethroned when he declined to defend his title … Wiktionary
Titleholder system — The titleholder system is the most common type of structure used in professional tournaments in the game of go. In practice these events almost always are based in East Asian countries with a professional system: China, Japan, South Korea and… … Wikipedia
titleholder — noun Date: 1904 one that holds a title; specifically champion … New Collegiate Dictionary
titleholder — /tuyt l hohl deuhr/, n. 1. a person who holds a title. 2. Sports. a person who holds a championship; present champion. [1900 05; TITLE + HOLDER] * * * … Universalium
titleholder — Synonyms and related words: beneficiary, cestui, cestui que trust, cestui que use, deedholder, feoffee, feudatory, householder, laird, landlady, landlord, lord, master, mesne, mesne lord, mistress, owner, proprietary, proprietor, proprietress,… … Moby Thesaurus
titleholder — ti|tle|hold|er [ taıtl,houldər ] noun count 1. ) the winner of a sports competition: TITLIST 2. ) someone who owns a title deed … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
titleholder — n. champion (Sports); holder of a championship title … English contemporary dictionary
titleholder — ti•tle•hold•er [[t]ˈtaɪt lˌhoʊl dər[/t]] n. 1) a person who holds a title 2) spo a person who holds a championship • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
titleholder — /ˈtaɪtlhoʊldə/ (say tuytlhohlduh) noun 1. someone who holds a title. 2. Sport someone who is the current holder of a championship …