- tipsy
- [ʹtıpsı] a
1. подвыпивший, под мухой, навеселе
he is a bit tipsy - он слегка навеселе
tipsy boat - неустойчивая лодка
2. вызывающий опьянениеtipsy dance - головокружительный танец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he is a bit tipsy - он слегка навеселе
tipsy boat - неустойчивая лодка
tipsy dance - головокружительный танец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tipsy — Tip sy, a. [Compar. {Tipsier}; superl. {Tipsiest}.] [Akin to tipple; cf. Prov. G. tips drunkenness, betipst drunk, tipsy. See {Tipple}.] 1. Being under the influence of strong drink; rendered weak or foolish by liquor, but not absolutely or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tipsy — * Tipsy is a term that is also defined as similar to drunkenness , but less extreme. * Tipsy (song) is a 2004 rap song by So So Def artist J Kwon. * Tipsy (band) is the name of an experimental lounge band formed in San Francisco, CA … Wikipedia
tipsy — 1570s, from TIP (Cf. tip) (v.1); later associated with TIPPLE (Cf. tipple). Tipsy cake (1806) was cake saturated with wine or liquor … Etymology dictionary
tipsy — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. nmos, blp, D. tipsysów {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} sztuczne paznokcie przyklejane do płytki paznokciowej : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Studio K. wykonuje ślubne tipsy z artystycznym malunkiem albo przyklejonymi brylancikami. (GWM) <ang … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
tipsy — intoxicated, inebriated, *drunk, drunken, tight … New Dictionary of Synonyms
tipsy — [adj] inebriated addled, dazed, drunk, drunken, fuddled, happy, high*, intoxicated, irrigated*, lit*, loaded*, mellow, merry, stewed*, tight, unsteady, woozy; concepts 401,406 Ant. sober … New thesaurus
tipsy — ► ADJECTIVE (tipsier, tipsiest) ▪ slightly drunk. DERIVATIVES tipsily adverb tipsiness noun. ORIGIN from TIP(Cf. ↑tipped) … English terms dictionary
tipsy — [tip′sē] adj. tipsier, tipsiest 1. that tips easily; not steady; shaky 2. crooked; awry 3. somewhat drunk; intoxicated enough to be somewhat unsteady, fuddled, etc. SYN. DRUNK tipsily [tip′si lē] adv. tipsiness n … English World dictionary
tipsy — [[t]tɪ̱psi[/t]] ADJ GRADED If someone is tipsy, they are slightly drunk. I m feeling a bit tipsy. Syn: tiddly … English dictionary
tipsy — UK [ˈtɪpsɪ] / US adjective Word forms tipsy : adjective tipsy comparative tipsier superlative tipsiest informal slightly drunk … English dictionary
tipsy — I. /ˈtɪpsi / (say tipsee) adjective (tipsier, tipsiest) 1. slightly intoxicated. 2. characterised by or due to intoxication: a tipsy lurch. 3. tipping, unsteady, or tilted, as if from intoxication. {apparently from tip2 in obsolete sense of… …