
1> затянутый (в корсет и т. п.)
2> строгий, соблюдающий внешние приличия
tight-laced notions строгие понятия
tight-laced gentleman человек строгих правил

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tightlaced" в других словарях:

  • Tightlacing — A corset reducing the circumference of the waist to 16 inches (41 cm). Tightlacing (also called corset training and waist training) is the practice of wearing a tightly laced corset to achieve extreme modifications to the figure and posture… …   Wikipedia

  • 1820s in fashion — thumb|right|200px|Shopping in Paris, 1822: The woman wears a demure bonnet, a shawl, and gloves over her dress. The man wears a top hat, long coat, tall collar, and striped trousers with straps under his shoes. 1822.During the 1820s in European… …   Wikipedia

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