Смотреть что такое "thunderstricken" в других словарях:
thunderstricken — adjective /ˈθʌndərˌstrɪkən/ thunderstruck … Wiktionary
thunderstricken — … Useful english dictionary
thunderstrike — /thun deuhr struyk /, v.t. thunderstruck / struk /, thunderstruck or thunderstricken / strik euhn/, thunderstriking. 1. Archaic. to strike with a thunderbolt. 2. to astonish; dumfound. [1605 15; prob. back formation from earlier thunderstricken… … Universalium
thunderstrike — transitive verb (thunderstruck; struck; also thunderstricken; thunderstriking) Date: circa 1586 1. to strike dumb ; astonish < was thunderstruck at the news > 2. archaic to strike by or as if by lightning … New Collegiate Dictionary
thunderstruck — /thun deuhr struk /, adj. 1. overcome with consternation; confounded; astounded: He was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion. 2. Archaic. struck by a thunderbolt. Also, thunderstricken /thun deuhr strik euhn/. [1605 15; THUNDER + STRUCK]… … Universalium
thunderstruck — /ˈθʌndəstrʌk/ (say thunduhstruk) adjective 1. struck by a thunderbolt. 2. overcome with consternation, confounded, or astounded: he was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion. Also, thunderstricken /ˈθʌndəstrɪkən/ (say thunduhstrikuhn) …
thunderstruck — [thun′dərstrik΄ənthun′dərstruk΄] adj. struck with amazement, terror, etc., as if by a thunderbolt: also thunderstricken [thun′dərstrik΄ən] … English World dictionary