- bilharziasis
- [͵bılhɑ:ʹzaıəsıs] n мед.
бильгарциоз, шистозомиаз
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bilharziasis — esquistosomiasis. Infección por trematodos muy frecuente en los trópicos. Las especies Schistosoma haematobium, S. mansoni y S. japonicum son patógenas para el hombre colonizando los plexos venosos vesicales y las venas mesentéricas CIE 10 [véase … Diccionario médico
bilharziasis — [bil΄här zī′ə sis] n. pl. bilharziases [bil΄här zi′əsēz΄] [see BILHARZIA & IASIS] SCHISTOSOMIASIS … English World dictionary
bilharziasis — bilharzia UK [bɪlˈhɑː(r)tsɪə] / US [bɪlˈhɑrzɪə] or bilharziasis UK [ˌbɪlhɑː(r)ˈtsaɪəsɪs] / US [ˌbɪlhɑrˈzaɪəsɪs] noun [uncountable] medical a serious disease in which the blood becomes infected with a type of small worm. It is common in Africa,… … English dictionary
bilharziasis — noun (plural bilharziases) Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1900 schistosomiasis … New Collegiate Dictionary
bilharziasis — /bil hahr zuy euh sis/, n. Pathol. schistosomiasis. Also, bilharziosis /bil hahr zee oh sis/. [1885 90; < NL Bilharz(ia) the genus of trematode worms causing the disease (after German physician Theodor Bilharz (1825 62), who discovered the genus… … Universalium
Bilharziasis — a parasite infection by a trematode worm acquired from infested water. Also known as schistosomiasis. Species which live in man can produce liver, bladder, and gastrointestinal problems. Species of the schistosomiasis parasite which cannot live… … Medical dictionary
bilharziasis — disease caused by a parasitic worm which enters the human body by penetrating the skin while swimming/bathing/working in infected waters. Mostly found in tropical areas of Africa, Asia and South America. Causes particular problems for the liver … Geography glossary
bilharziasis — n. disease caused by a parasitic flatworm (common in tropical climates) … English contemporary dictionary
bilharziasis — [ˌbɪlhα: tsʌɪəsɪs] noun Medicine another term for bilharzia … English new terms dictionary
bilharziasis — bil·har·zi·a·sis … English syllables
bilharziasis — n.; see schistosomiasis … The new mediacal dictionary