- thumbnail
1> ноготь большого пальца
2> рисунок величиной с ноготь
3> краткое описание (чего-л.; тж. thumb-nail sketch)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Thumbnail — [dt. Daumennagel], im Internet die Miniaturansicht (in »Daumennagelgröße«) einer Grafik mit kleinem Dateiumfang. Ein Thumbnail verringert die Download Zeit der Seite und zeigt dem Betrachter, was ihn erwartet, wenn er das große Originalbild… … Universal-Lexikon
thumbnail — (n.) c.1600, from THUMB (Cf. thumb) (n.) + NAIL (Cf. nail) (n.). Meaning drawing or sketch of a small size (though usually not lierally the size of a thumbnail) is from 1852 … Etymology dictionary
thumbnail — ► NOUN 1) the nail of the thumb. 2) (before another noun ) brief or concise: a thumbnail sketch … English terms dictionary
thumbnail — [thum′nāl΄] n. the nail of the thumb adj. very small, brief, or concise [a thumbnail sketch] … English World dictionary
thumbnail — (izg. tàmnejl) m DEFINICIJA inform. umanjena slika ili fotografija radi bržeg pregleda građe; sličica ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
thumbnail — [adj] condensed abbreviated, abridged, brief, compact, concise, contracted, curtailed, epigrammatic, short, short and sweet*, succinct, summary, to the point, truncated; concept 773 … New thesaurus
Thumbnail — Thumbnails are reduced size versions of pictures, used to help in recognizing and organizing them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words. In the age of digital images, visual search engines and image organizing… … Wikipedia
thumbnail — I UK [ˈθʌmˌneɪl] / US noun [countable] Word forms thumbnail : singular thumbnail plural thumbnails 1) the nail on your thumb 2) computing a small picture of something shown on a computer screen, especially on a page of a website II UK [ˈθʌmˌneɪl] … English dictionary
thumbnail — thumb|nail1 [ˈθʌmneıl] adj thumbnail sketch/portrait a short description that gives only the main facts about a person, thing, or event ▪ a thumbnail sketch of recent political events in America thumbnail 2 thumbnail2 n 1.) the nail on your thumb … Dictionary of contemporary English
thumbnail — thumb|nail1 [ θʌm,neıl ] noun count the nail on your thumb thumbnail thumb|nail 2 [ θʌm,neıl ] adjective providing only the main facts, not the details: a thumbnail sketch (=a short general description): The article gives a thumbnail sketch of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
thumbnail — /thum nayl /, n. 1. the nail of the thumb. 2. anything quite small or brief, as a small drawing or short essay. 3. Print. a small, rough dummy. 4. Also called porkchop. Journ., Print. a half column portrait in a newspaper. adj. 5. quite small or… … Universalium