- threeyearold
1> трехгодовой, трехгодовалый
three-year-old boy трехлетний мальчик
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mowbray, John, Duke of Norfolk — 1) (1415–1461) Although intermittent in his adherence to the house of YORK in the 1450s, John Mowbray, third duke of Norfolk, gave vital support to EDWARD IV at the Battle of TOWTON in 1461. The duke is also a prominent figure in the PASTON … Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses
Sinistrari, Lodovico Maria — (1622–1701) Franciscan theologian whose contribution to demonology is his work Demoniality, in which he examines sexual acts with DEMONs. Lodovico Sinistrari likened demons more to the LUTIN, or mischievous hobgoblin, than to evil servants of… … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology