- bilateral symmetry
- [baı͵læt(ə)rəlʹsımıtrı]
зеркальная симметрия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bilateral symmetry — n symmetry in which similar anatomical parts are arranged on opposite sides of a median axis so that one and only one plane can divide the individual into essentially identical halves * * * the configuration of an irregularly shaped body (as the… … Medical dictionary
bilateral symmetry — noun the property of being symmetrical about a vertical plane • Syn: ↑bilaterality, ↑bilateralism • Derivationally related forms: ↑bilateral (for: ↑bilaterality) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
bilateral symmetry — veidrodinė simetrija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bilateral symmetry; mirror symmetry; specular symmetry vok. Spiegelsymmetrie, f rus. зеркальная симметрия, f pranc. symétrie par réflexion, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
bilateral symmetry — Symmetry such that a body or part can be divided through the longitudinal axis by one mediosagittal plane into equivalent right and left halves, each for all practical purposes a mirror image of the other; see radial symmetry … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
bilateral symmetry — noun Date: 1860 symmetry in which similar anatomical parts are arranged on opposite sides of a median axis so that only one plane can divide the individual into essentially identical halves … New Collegiate Dictionary
bilateral symmetry — Biol. a basic body plan in which the left and right sides of the organism can be divided into approximate mirror images of each other along the midline. Cf. radial symmetry. [1850 55] * * * … Universalium
bilateral symmetry — bilat′eral sym′metry n. dvl bio a basic body plan in which the left and right sides of the organism can be divided into approximate mirror images of each other Compare radial symmetry • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
bilateral symmetry — noun a) the property of being symmetrical about a vertical plane b) the characteristic, in animals, of being symmetric about a plane running from head to tail … Wiktionary
bilateral symmetry — noun the property of being divisible into symmetrical halves on either side of a unique plane … English new terms dictionary
Symmetry (biology) — Bilateral symmetry redirects here. For bilateral symmetry in mathematics, see reflection symmetry. Symmetry in biology is the balanced distribution of duplicate body parts or shapes. The body plans of most multicellular organisms exhibit some… … Wikipedia
Symmetry (physical attractiveness) — Symmetry, especially facial symmetry, is one of a number of aesthetic traits, including averageness and youthfulness, associated with health, physical attractiveness and beauty of a person or non human animal. [cite book | last = Rhodes | first … Wikipedia