
1. [ʹθʌrəbred] n
1. чистокровное, породистое животное
2. безупречно воспитанный человек; человек с безукоризненными манерами
3. первоклассный автомобиль, мотоцикл или велосипед
2. [ʹθʌrəbred] a
1. чистокровный, чистых кровей; породистый (о животном)
2. 1) безупречно воспитанный
2) безупречный, безукоризненный (о манерах); аристократический

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thoroughbred" в других словарях:

  • Thoroughbred — Thor ough*bred , a. Bred from the best blood through a long line; pure blooded; said of stock, as horses. Hence, having the characteristics of such breeding; mettlesome; courageous; of elegant form, or the like. n. A thoroughbred animal,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thoroughbred — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of pure breed, especially of a breed of horse originating from English mares and Arab stallions. 2) informal of outstanding quality. ► NOUN ▪ a thoroughbred animal …   English terms dictionary

  • Thoroughbred —   [dt. »Vollblut«], Codename für den 32 bit Athlon Prozessor (Athlon) von AMD, der mit einer Strukturbreite von 13 Mikrometern gefertigt wird. Er ist der Nachfolger des Palomino. Auch die SOI Technologie (Silicon on Insulator) gehört zum… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • thoroughbred — (adj.) 1701, of persons, thoroughly accomplished, from THOROUGH (Cf. thorough) + past tense of BREED (Cf. breed). In the horse sense of of pure breed or stock it dates from 1796; the noun is first recorded 1842 …   Etymology dictionary

  • thoroughbred — [adj] pure, unmixed blood, full blooded, graded, papered, pedigree, pedigreed, pure blooded, purebred; concept 549 Ant. half breed, impure, mixed …   New thesaurus

  • thoroughbred — [thʉr′ō bred΄, thʉr′əbred΄] adj. 1. purebred; pedigreed: said as of a horse or a dog 2. thoroughly trained, educated, cultured, etc.; well bred 3. excellent; first rate n. 1. [T ] any of a breed of light horse developed by crossing Arabian and… …   English World dictionary

  • Thoroughbred — For other uses, see Thoroughbred (disambiguation). Thoroughbred Thoroughbred race horse Distinguishing features …   Wikipedia

  • Thoroughbred — Pur sang anglais Pour les articles homonymes, voir pur sang (homonymie). Pur sang …   Wikipédia en Français

  • thoroughbred — thoroughbredness, n. /therr oh bred , euh bred , thur /, adj. 1. of pure or unmixed breed, stock, or race, as a horse or other animal; bred from the purest and best blood. 2. (sometimes cap.) of or pertaining to the Thoroughbred breed of horses.… …   Universalium

  • thoroughbred — I. adjective Date: 1701 1. thoroughly trained or skilled < a thoroughbred soldier > 2. bred from the best blood through a long line ; purebred < thoroughbred dogs > 3. a. capitalized of, relating to, or being a Thoroughbred …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • thoroughbred — thor|ough|bred [ˈθʌrəbred US ˈθʌrou , ˈθʌrə ] n 1.) a horse that has parents of the same very good breed ▪ a thoroughbred stallion 2.) especially BrE someone who seems to do something naturally to a very high standard ▪ football thoroughbred Mick …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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