- thorianite
- [ʹθɔ:rıənaıt] n мин.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
thorianite — ● thorianite nom féminin (de thorium) Oxyde naturel d uranium et de thorium, de formule (Th,U)O2, de couleur noir de jais, cubique. thorianite [tɔʀjanit] n. f. ÉTYM. 1905, in Rev. gén. des sc., no 12, p. 585; de thor(ium), (ur)an(ium), et ite. ❖ … Encyclopédie Universelle
thorianite — [thôr′ē ənīt΄] n. [< THORIA + ITE1] a grayish to black, very hard, radioactive mineral, thorium dioxide, ThO2, that is an ore of thorium … English World dictionary
Thorianite — Infobox mineral name = Thorianite category = boxwidth = boxbgcolor = imagesize = caption = formula = Thorium oxide, ThO2 molweight = color = Dark gray, brown black habit = Rounded grains system = Isometric twinning = Penetration twins on {111}… … Wikipedia
Thorianite — Cristaux de thorianite de Madagascar (1,6 x 1,4 x 1,3 cm) La thorianite est une espèce minérale, formée d oxyde de thorium de formule Th O2 avec des traces de U;Ce;La;Pb;TR. Variétés Aldanite une variété contenant de 14.9% à 29.0% de UO2 et 11.2% … Wikipédia en Français
thorianite — /thawr ee euh nuyt , thohr /, n. a rare mineral, mainly thoria, ThO2, but also containing uranium, cerium, and other rare earth metals, occurring in small, black, cubic crystals: notable for its radioactivity and used as a minor source of thorium … Universalium
thorianite — torianitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė (Th,U)O₂ atitikmenys: angl. thorianite rus. торианит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
thorianite — noun Etymology: irregular from thoria Date: 1904 a strongly radioactive mineral that is an oxide of thorium and often contains rare earth elements … New Collegiate Dictionary
thorianite — noun A radioactive mineral containing thorium dioxide (ThO) plus oxides of uranium, lanthanum, cerium neodymium and praseodymium in smaller quantities … Wiktionary
thorianite — tho·ri·a·nite … English syllables
thorianite — tho•ri•a•nite [[t]ˈθɔr i əˌnaɪt, ˈθoʊr [/t]] n. mir a rare, black, radioactive mineral, mainly thoria, ThO2, usu. found mixed with uranium, dioxide, and rare earth metals: a minor source of thorium • Etymology: 1900–05; thorian (thori ( a) + an… … From formal English to slang
thorianite — /ˈθɔriəˌnaɪt/ (say thawreeuh.nuyt) noun a rare mineral, mainly thorium oxide, ThO2, but containing also uranium, cerium, etc., occurring in small, black, cubic crystals, notable for its radioactivity. {thor(ium) + ian + ite2} …