- thixotropy
- [θıkʹsɒtrəpı] n хим.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Thixotropy — is the property of some non Newtonian pseudoplastic fluids to show a time dependent change in viscosity; the longer the fluid undergoes shear stress, the lower its viscosity. A thixotropic fluid is a fluid which takes a finite amount of time to… … Wikipedia
thixotropy — Thixotropy Тиксотропия Обратимое изменение физико механических свойств полимерных и дисперсных систем при механическом воздействии в изотермических условиях. Для жидких сред проявляется в понижении вязкости при течении и ее постепенном… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
thixotropy — [thik sä′trə pē] n. [< Gr thixis, touching (< thinganein, to touch: see THIGMOTAXIS) + O + TROPY] the property of certain gels and emulsions of becoming fluid when agitated and then setting again when left at rest thixotropic [thiks΄ō… … English World dictionary
thixotropy — thixotropic /thik seuh trop ik, troh pik/, adj. /thik so treuh pee/, n. Chem. the property exhibited by certain gels of becoming liquid when stirred or shaken. [1925 30; < Gk thíx(is) touch + o + TROPY] * * * ▪ chemistry reversible… … Universalium
thixotropy — tiksotropija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gelio struktūros izoterminis grįžtamasis suirimas dėl mechaninio poveikio. atitikmenys: angl. thixotropy rus. тиксотропия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
thixotropy — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary thixo (from Greek thixis act of touching, from thinganein to touch) + tropy more at thigmotaxis Date: 1927 the property of various gels of becoming fluid when disturbed (as by shaking) •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
thixotropy — noun The property of certain gels whereby they become fluids when agitated and return to being solid or semi solid when allowed to stand. See Also: thixotropic … Wiktionary
thixotropy — The property of certain gels of becoming less viscous when shaken or subjected to shearing forces and returning to the original viscosity upon standing ( e.g., synovial fluid, ferrous hydroxide gel); a characteristic of a system exhibiting a… … Medical dictionary
Thixotropy — Тиксотропия, тиксотропность … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
thixotropy — The property of a gel to become fluid under application of shear stresses [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
thixotropy — n. conversion of a gel into a fluid during mixing or shaking (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary