third force

third force
[͵θɜ:dʹfɔ:s] полит.
третья сила

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "third force" в других словарях:

  • third force — n. [occas.T F ] a third element, group, bloc, etc. functioning as a counterbalancing, neutralizing, or moderating force or influence in a struggle between two established powers; specif., a coalition of nations for this purpose internationally …   English World dictionary

  • third force — third′ force′ n. gov one or more nations, political parties, or other organizations occupying an intermediate position between two other opposed forces • Etymology: 1945–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • Third Force — The Third Force may designate: *an Irish paramilitary organisation: Third Force (Ireland) *a French political coalition during the Fourth Republic: Third Force (France) *late apartheid era militants resistant to change, responsible for… …   Wikipedia

  • third force — noun : a grouping (as of political parties or nations) intermediate between two opposing political forces * * * a political faction or party, etc., occupying an intermediate position between two others representing opposite extremes. [1945 50] *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Third Force (France) — The Third Force ( Troisième Force ) was a French coalition during the Fourth Republic (1947 1958) which gathered the Socialist SFIO party, the UDSR centre right party, the Radicals, the Christian Democrat Popular Republican Movement (MRP) and… …   Wikipedia

  • Third Force (South Africa) — The Third Force was a term used by leaders of the ANC during the late 1980s and early 1990s to refer to an unknown group believed to be responsible for a surge in violence in KwaZulu Natal, and townships around and south of the Witwatersrand (or… …   Wikipedia

  • Third Force (Ireland) — The Third Force was a paramilitary movement established by unionist politicians in Northern Ireland in 1981.The group was established by Ian Paisley, ostensibly as a complement to the security forces, although it bore many of the hallmarks of the …   Wikipedia

  • Third Force Party — The Third Force Party (TFP) was a political party in Ghana during the Third Republic (1979 1981). In the 18 June 1979 presidential election, TFP candidate John Bilson won 2.8% of the vote …   Wikipedia

  • Third force (France) — The Third force ( Troisième force in French) was a coalition which governed in France from 1947 to 1952. It was composed of center left and center right parties in order to defend the Fourth Republic faced with the French Communist Party (PCF)… …   Wikipedia

  • Third Force Party — Die Third Force Party (TFP) war eine politische Partei in Ghana. Geschichte Gegründet wurde sie in der dritten Republik Ghanas im Jahr 1979 durch Dr. John Bilson als dritte Kraft zwischen den damals existierenden beiden politischen Lagern um den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • third force — middle force, political entity that holds a position between two other opposed groups …   English contemporary dictionary

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