- thigh
- [θaı] n
1. бедро2. анат. бедренная кость
to break one's thigh - сломать бедро
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to break one's thigh - сломать бедро
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Thigh — (th[imac]), n. [OE. thi, [thorn]ih, [thorn]eh, AS. [thorn]e[ o]h; akin to OFries. thiach, D. dij, dije, OHG. dioh, thioh, Icel. [thorn]j[=o] thigh, rump, and probably to Lith. taukas fat of animals, tukti to become fat, Russ. tuke fat of animals … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thigh — O.E. þeoh, þeh, from P.Gmc. *theukhom (Cf. O.Fris. thiach, O.Du. thio, Du. dij, O.N. þjo, O.H.G. dioh), from PIE *teuk from root *teu to swell (Cf. Lith. taukas, O.C.S. tuku, Rus. tuku fat of animal … Etymology dictionary
thigh — [θaı] n [: Old English; Origin: theoh] 1.) the top part of your leg, between your knee and your ↑hip 2.) the top part of a bird s leg, used as food ▪ chicken thighs … Dictionary of contemporary English
thigh — [ θaı ] noun count ** 1. ) the top part of your leg, above your knee 2. ) the upper part of the leg of a bird, eaten as food: chicken thighs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
thigh — ► NOUN ▪ the part of the leg between the hip and the knee. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
thigh — [thī] n. [ME thih < OE theoh, akin to MHG diech < IE * teuk < base * teu , to swell > THUMB, L tumor] 1. that part of the leg in humans and other vertebrates between the knee and the hip; region of the thighbone, or femur 2. the… … English World dictionary
Thigh — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Diagram of the human thigh bone Precursor = System = Artery = Vein = Nerve = Lymph = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = DorlandsSuf = In humans the thigh is the area… … Wikipedia
Thigh — The thigh extends from the hip to the knee. The thigh has only one bone, the femur which is the largest bone in the human body. The thigh is the thick part of the leg. This is reflected in the word thigh which comes from the Indo European root… … Medical dictionary
thigh — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English thēoh; akin to Old High German dioh thigh, Lithuanian taukai, plural, fat Date: before 12th century 1. a. the proximal segment of the vertebrate hind or lower limb extending from the hip to the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
thigh */*/ — UK [θaɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms thigh : singular thigh plural thighs 1) the top part of your leg, above your knee 2) the upper part of the leg of a bird, eaten as food chicken thighs … English dictionary
thigh — /thuy/, n. 1. the part of the lower limb in humans between the hip and the knee. 2. the corresponding part of the hind limb of other animals; the femoral region. 3. (in birds) a. the true femoral region that is hidden by the skin or feathers of… … Universalium