
[ʹθıknıs] n
1. 1) толщина

thickness gauge - щуп; толщиномер

paper of the thickness and shade of the original edition - бумага, по толщине и оттенку воспроизводящая первое издание

a thickness of two inches, two inches in thickness - толщиной в два дюйма

2) большая, значительная толщина

to give a wall thickness - придать стене (нужную) толщину

2. 1) слой

three thicknesses of cloth - три слоя материи

2) геол. мощность (пласта)
3. утолщение; наиболее толстая часть (чего-л.)
4. 1) густота, плотность; консистенция

thickness of population - плотность населения

to boil smth. to the thickness of honey - варить что-л. до густоты мёда

2) сгущение, уплотнение, уплотнённая масса

to drive through the misty thickness - ехать сквозь густой туман

5. обилие; множество, частота
6. тупоумие, тупость
7. косноязычие, неясная, неразборчивая речь

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thickness" в других словарях:

  • Thickness — may refer to:* Thickness in graph theory * Thickness of layers in Geology * Thickness planer a woodworking machine * Optical thickness in optics …   Wikipedia

  • Thickness — Thick ness, n. [AS. ?icnes.] The quality or state of being thick (in any of the senses of the adjective). [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thickness — index caliber (measurement), congealment, density, opacity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • thickness — O.E. þicness; see THICK (Cf. thick) + NESS (Cf. ness) …   Etymology dictionary

  • thickness — ► NOUN 1) the distance through an object, as distinct from width or height. 2) the state or quality of being thick. 3) a layer of material. 4) a thicker part of something …   English terms dictionary

  • thickness — [thik′nis] n. 1. the quality or condition of being thick 2. the measure of how thick a thing is, as distinguished from the length or width of any of its surfaces 3. a layer, stratum, etc. [three thicknesses of cloth] 4. the thickest place or part …   English World dictionary

  • thickness — noun Date: before 12th century 1. the smallest of three dimensions < length, width, and thickness > 2. the quality or state of being thick 3. a. viscous consistency < boiled to the thickness of honey > b. the condition of being smoky, foul, or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • thickness — /thik nis/, n. 1. the state or quality of being thick. 2. the measure of the smallest dimension of a solid figure: a board of two inch thickness. 3. the thick part or body of something: the thickness of the leg. 4. a layer, stratum, or ply: three …   Universalium

  • thickness — thick|ness [ˈθıknıs] n 1.) [U and C] how thick something is ▪ The thickness of the walls is 5 feet. 2.) a layer of something thickness of ▪ Wrap the cake in a double thickness of foil …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • thickness — UK [ˈθɪknəs] / US noun Word forms thickness : singular thickness plural thicknesses 1) [countable/uncountable] the measurement of how thick something is Cooking time depends on the thickness of the steak. 2) [countable] a layer of something She… …   English dictionary

  • thickness — n. 1 the state of being thick. 2 the extent to which a thing is thick. 3 a layer of material of a certain thickness (three thicknesses of cardboard). 4 a part that is thick or lies between opposite surfaces (steps cut in the thickness of the… …   Useful english dictionary

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