
1> разг. _сокр. от they had и they would

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "theyd" в других словарях:

  • Jone o Grinfilt — is a poem in the Oldham dialect of English. It was written by a man named Joseph Lees from the Glodwick area of the town in 1805. [Alan Crosby, The Lancashire Dictionary of Dialect, Tradition and Folklore , pp.119 120] Grinfilt is a dialect… …   Wikipedia

  • Republican Party (United States) vice presidential candidates, 2008 — This article lists potential candidates for the Republican nomination for Vice President of the United States in the 2008 election. On March 4, 2008, Senator John McCain of Arizona won a majority of pledged delegates for the Republican nomination …   Wikipedia

  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy — Para la película, véase The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy (película). Guía del autoestopista galáctico / Guía del Viajero Intergaláctico de Douglas Adams …   Wikipedia Español

  • ecru — 1. noun A beige colour. 2. adjective Of a beige colour. Miriam fell in love with a tulle and lace gown, but Judy returned to the first one theyd looked at, an ecru satin bridal gown …   Wiktionary

  • meek — 1. adjective a) Humble, modest, meager, or self effacing. Mrs. Wickam was a meek woman...who was always ready to pity herself, or to be pitied, or to pity anybody else... b) Submissive, despirited, or of broken will. What if they were wolves… …   Wiktionary

  • empath — noun /ˈɛm.pæθ/ A person with empathic abilitiy; capable of sensing the emotions of others around them. She was the empath who would betray empaths if she got the chance. So theyd tried to fix things so that she didnt get the chance …   Wiktionary

  • muscledom — noun a) The state of being very muscular; condition of possessing well developed muscles. Not like the boys at my school, who were still in the early stages of muscledom (not that theyd ever admit it). b) The collective field and sport of… …   Wiktionary

  • Cheryl — noun coined in the 1920s, possibly a blend of Cherry and Beryl. I hate the name Cheryl, Dennis confided, thinking theyd both surely agree. See Also: Sheryl …   Wiktionary

  • Coney Island — noun a) A specific neighborhood of , known for its boardwalk and amusement parks. From 1916 to 1930, Fleischer would dress up as a Coney Island clown and have animators rotoscope films of him as Koko the Clown. b) A hot dog. If theyre planning to …   Wiktionary

  • seamanly — adjective seamanlike Thunder! he cried. A week! I cant do that; theyd have the black spot on me by then. The lubbers is going about to get the wind of me this blessed moment; lubbers as couldnt keep what they got, and want to nail what is… …   Wiktionary

  • take one's lumps — verb a) To receive physical abuse and to survive. When frustrated tacklers finally do catch up with him, Arnett knows how to take his lumps. If I hit the ground tensely, rigidly, and two tons of angry linemen landed on top of me, theyd break… …   Wiktionary

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