
1> поблизости, недалеко, неподалеку
he lives in N. or thereabouts он живет в N. или где-то в
том районе
it's the largest house thereabouts это самый большой дом
в округе
2> около этого, приблизительно, в этом роде, в этом духе
he is forty or thereabouts ему сорок или около того
a thousand people or thereabouts heard his speech без малого
тысяча человек слушала его речь

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thereabouts" в других словарях:

  • thereabouts — [ther′ə bouts΄] adv. 1. near that place 2. near that time or point in action, speech, etc. 3. near that number, amount, degree, etc.: Also thereabout * * * there·a·bouts (thâr ə boutsʹ) also …   Universalium

  • thereabouts — meaning ‘near that place’ or ‘near that amount’ (a hundred pounds or thereabouts), is along with thereby, therefore, and thereupon one of the few medieval compounds formed with there to survive in modern English without any hint of archaism. The… …   Modern English usage

  • thereabouts — c.1400, from O.E. þærabutan + adverbial genitive es; see THERE (Cf. there) + ABOUT (Cf. about) …   Etymology dictionary

  • thereabouts — (also thereabout) ► ADVERB 1) near that place. 2) used to indicate that a date or figure is approximate …   English terms dictionary

  • thereabouts — [ther′ə bouts΄] adv. 1. near that place 2. near that time or point in action, speech, etc. 3. near that number, amount, degree, etc.: Also thereabout …   English World dictionary

  • Thereabouts — Thereabout There a*bout , Thereabouts There a*bouts , adv. [The latter spelling is less proper, but more commonly used.] 1. Near that place. [1913 Webster] 2. Near that number, degree, or quantity; nearly; as, ten men, or thereabouts. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thereabouts — [[t]ðe͟ərəba͟ʊts[/t]] PHRASE: n/num PHR You add or thereabouts after a number or date to indicate that it is approximate. He told us that her age was forty eight or thereabouts... By 1997 or thereabouts Athens will have a new airport, plus the… …   English dictionary

  • thereabouts — there|a|bouts [ ,ðerə bauts ] adverb near a particular place, amount, time, etc. that has been mentioned, but not exactly: or thereabouts: You ll end up paying an extra five percent or thereabouts …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • thereabouts — also there.a.bout adverb AmE near a particular time, place, number etc, but not exactly: or thereabouts: These houses were built in 1930 or thereabouts …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • thereabouts — adverb 1) the land thereabouts Syn: near there, around there, in that area 2) they sold it for five million or thereabouts Syn: approximately, roughly, or so, give or take, plus or minus, in round numbers, in the ballpark of …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • thereabouts — UK [ˌðeərəˈbaʊts] / US [ˌðerəˈbaʊts] adverb near a particular place, amount, time etc that has been mentioned, but not exactly or thereabouts: You ll end up paying an extra five per cent or thereabouts …   English dictionary

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