- thematic
- [θıʹmætık] a
1. тематический
thematic catalogue - систематический каталог
2. грам. относящийся к основе, основообразующий, тематическийthematic vowel - гласная основы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
thematic catalogue - систематический каталог
thematic vowel - гласная основы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Thematic — The*mat ic, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. th[ e]matique.] 1. (Gram.) Of or pertaining to the theme of a word. See {Theme}, n., 4. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mus.) Of or pertaining to a theme, or subject. [1913 Webster] {Thematic catalogue} (Mus.), a catalogue of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thematic — [thē mat′ik] adj. 1. of or constituting a theme or themes 2. Linguis. of or relating to the stem of a word or to a vowel ending a stem that precedes an inflectional ending 3. Philately Brit. of stamps collected according to a theme, or topic n.… … English World dictionary
thematic — (adj.) 1690s, from Gk. thematikos, from thema (see THEME (Cf. theme)). Related: Thematically … Etymology dictionary
thematic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having or relating to subjects or a particular subject. ► NOUN (thematics) (treated as sing. or pl. ) ▪ a body of topics for study or discussion. DERIVATIVES thematically adverb … English terms dictionary
thematic — adj. 1 of or relating to subjects or topics (thematic philately; the arrangement of the anthology is thematic). 2 Mus. of melodic subjects (thematic treatment). 3 Gram. a of or belonging to a theme (thematic vowel; thematic form). b (of a form of … Useful english dictionary
thematic — [[t]θiːmæ̱tɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Thematic means concerned with the subject or theme of something, or with themes and topics in general. [FORMAL] ...assembling this material into thematic groups. ...the whole thematic approach to learning … English dictionary
thematic — 1. adjective a) relating to, or having a theme or a topic He had a thematic collection of postage stamps with flags on them b) relating to a melodic subject 2. noun … Wiktionary
thematic — thematically, adv. /thee mat ik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a theme. 2. Gram. a. (of a word or words) of, pertaining to, or producing a theme or themes. b. (of a vowel) pertaining to the theme or stem: the thematic vowel ends the stem and… … Universalium
thematic — adj. Thematic is used with these nouns: ↑coherence, ↑consistency … Collocations dictionary
thematic — the|mat|ic [θıˈmætık] adj relating to a particular ↑theme, or organized according to a theme ▪ the thematic organization of paintings in the exhibit >thematically [ kli] adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
thematic — the|mat|ic [ θi mætık ] adjective FORMAL relating to ideas or subjects: a thematic index ╾ the|mat|i|cal|ly [ θi mætıkli ] adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English