- theatricalize
- [θıʹætrıkəlaız] v
1. инсценировать для театра; театрализовать2. играть на сцене3. ходить в театр4. неодобр. ломаться, разыгрывать (что-л. перед кем-л.); устраивать сцены
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
theatricalize — [thē a′tri kəlīz΄] vt. theatricalized, theatricalizing 1. to make theatrical; give a dramatic, sometimes overly dramatic, quality to 2. to put into a theatrical setting theatricalization [thē a΄tri kəli zā′shən] n … English World dictionary
theatricalize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1778 1. to adapt to the theater ; dramatize 2. to display in showy fashion • theatricalization noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
theatricalize — theatricalization, n. /thee a tri keuh luyz /, v.t., theatricalized, theatricalizing. 1. to put into dramatic or theatrical form; dramatize. 2. to express or represent in a spectacular or extravagantly histrionic manner. [1770 80; THEATRICAL +… … Universalium
theatricalize — verb To render suitable for the theatre … Wiktionary
theatricalize — the·at·ri·cal·ize … English syllables
theatricalize — thēˈa.trə̇kəˌlīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: theatrical (I) + ize 1. : to adapt to the theater : make theatrical : dramatize 2. : to display in showy fashion : make flashy … Useful english dictionary
theatricalization — noun see theatricalize … New Collegiate Dictionary
Paula Vogel — (born November 16 1951, in Washington, D.C.) is an American Pulitzer Prize winning playwright and university professor.Writing lifeVogel is best known for her Pulitzer Prize winning play How I Learned To Drive , which deals with child sexual… … Wikipedia
Vladimir Tarnopolsky — Vladimir Grigoryevich Tarnopolsky (Russian: Владимир Григорьевич Тарнопольский, born April 30, 1955 Dnepropetrovsk) is a Russian composer.BiographyTarnopolsky studied composition at the Moscow Conservatory with Nikolai Sidelnikov and Edison… … Wikipedia
theatricalization — See theatricalize. * * * … Universalium
bill — Synonyms and related words: CD, Federal Reserve note, IOU, MO, acceptance, acceptance bill, account, accounts payable, accounts receivable, act, advertise, affiche, affidavit, agenda, allegation, allowance, amount due, antlia, assessment,… … Moby Thesaurus